Values & Expectations

The values at Brunswick Secondary College include respect, responsibility, achievement, excellence, teamwork and persistence. These values are reflected in the expectations we have of our students, staff and school community.
Our Values Matrix showcases examples of how each value is demonstrated in class, in the yard, in the community and online. Our classrooms display these values and examples, and our teachers refer to them as they coach and support students to be respectful young people who aim high, try hard, work together, and persevere.
Our expectations for student behaviour are explicitly taught to students through non-verbal and verbal prompts. Teachers have high expectations for behaviour in the class, in the yard and online. The expectations for behaviour (school rules) are outlined below.
Expectations for Overall Behaviour
- Student behaviour reflects the values of our school
- Students treat others with respect by being polite, using appropriate language (no swearing or offensive language), and cooperating
- Students follow instructions of staff
- Students support a good learning environment by engaging promptly with learning, speaking quietly when permitted, and supporting others to work
- Students work to the best of their ability
- Students submit work that is their own
- Students submit work punctually, including homework and assessments
- Students bring the correct equipment to class, including a charged device
- Students only use school devices, and non-school devices such as headphones, when instructed by their teacher
- Phones are in lockers during the school day
- Students access Compass and school email to remain informed, and organise timely consent for events
Expectations for Attendance and Punctuality
- Students attend all classes
- Students arrive to class on time
- Students submit a signed parent note/medical certificate to YLC/office or Compass entry to explain any absences or lateness
- Students provide a signed parent note to YLC before 9 am to leave the school early
Expectations for Uniform
- Students wear approved school uniform, including for school excursions
- Students wear approved school sports uniform on the days of Sport and PE classes
- Students provide a signed parent note detailing why the student is out of uniform and when the student will be back in uniform
Expectations for Health and Safety
- Students show care for others by being inclusive and supportive. Exclusion, harassment, intimidation, bullying, and offensive behavior are not tolerated
- Students move around the school and behave in a safe and orderly way, avoiding running in confined spaces, unwelcome contact and bike riding, etc. on grounds
- Students must not possess or use prohibited substances such as cigarettes, vaporisers, lighters, alcohol/drugs, weapons, pornographic material, etc.
- Students eat in designated areas. Water only is permitted in class
- Visitors must enter the school via the office
Expectations for Environment and Property
- Students show respect for the college and others by caring for equipment and facilities (not having prohibited substances including gum, permanent markers, lighters, laser pens, water bombs). Students keep school tidy by placing rubbish in bins (e.g. no littering or spitting)
- Classrooms are left clean and tidy
- Students return borrowed materials on time
- Students keep lockers clean and secured with a combination padlock
- Lockers can be accessed before school, recess, lunchtime and after school
- Students leave mobile phones and school bags in lockers.
- Bikes should be secured with a lock and stored in the school bike shed or at bike racks within the grounds during the day
- Students wait for a teacher to invite them into the staff room or office