Koorie Club News

Nation Wide News:
Recently an RMIT-led report released on Thursday has highlighted the fact that the negative effects of local bank closures are further compounded by the lack of affordable and reliable internet in regional and remote communities. The study found remote First Nations communities still rely on face-to-face interactions with their banks despite the growing prevalence of online banking.
“By removing banks in regional areas, it potentially disadvantages an already vulnerable community from accessing necessities such as financial services, impacting their independence,” said project lead and distinguished Professor Julian Thomas.
A previous RMIT research for the ADM+S Centre also found that remote First Nations communities were among the most digitally excluded people in Australia. “We can’t expect these communities to learn about online safety if they don’t even have working internet to begin with,” he said. The lead investigator and Senior Research Fellow, Dr Daniel Featherstone said that as banking, government, and other services increasingly move online it's crucial that all Australians can effectively access and use digital technologies. Everyone should have the opportunity to benefit from digital technologies.
February 13th each year marks the anniversary of the National Apology to Australia’s Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the injustices of past government policies, particularly to the stolen generations delivered by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia suffered intergenerational trauma as a result of forced child removal because of laws and policies aimed at assimilating the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population into the predominately white community.
Survivors of the stolen generations are some of Australia's most vulnerable people and have kept their stories and experiences a secret for many years or even decades. On National Sorry Day 2008, let us remember the words of former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd when he delivered the historic apology to the Stolen Generations. He said, "We apologise for the laws and policies of successive parliaments and governments that have inflicted profound grief, suffering, and loss on these, our fellow Australians. For the pain, suffering, and hurt of these Stolen Generations, their descendants, and for their families left behind, we say sorry.
Sports News:
Indigenous Bulldogs defender Liam Jones has joined the club's leadership group, alongside a host of new faces to lead the team in 2024. Jones, who returned to the Bulldogs after retiring at Carlton in 2022, received recognition for his courage with the Scott West Award last year. The Bulldogs begin their season against Melbourne at the MCG on March 17th.
Tasmania announced a youthful male squad for the National Indigenous Cricket Championships, taking place in Alice Springs next week. Aiming for their first championship title after finishing runners-up last year, the squad seeks to connect with Palawa culture under cultural advisor Guy Grey.
Didge ya know?
When Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd issued a formal apology to the Stolen Generations, the event began with a Welcome to Country delivered by Ngambri Elder, Aunty Matilda House.
Many members of the Stolen Generations and their families gathered at Parliament House to take part in this historic event. The National Apology was a recommendation of the ‘Bringing Them Home Report’ which was the result of a national inquiry into the Stolen Generations. The ‘Bringing Them Home Report’ contained 54 recommendations about how to address and heal the effects of the forced removals of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and the laws and policies of previous governments on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The Apology was a significant event across Australia. Big screens were set up in parks and communal areas as everyone watched Kevin Rudd speak of the wrongs governments had inflicted on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia. A huge wave of tears, relief and applause flowed at the end of his speech.
It is important for schools to be culturally safe; Schools should have a Koorie Engagement Support Officer (KESO) available when there is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander young person enrolled. A KESO is a community member who can provide advice to schools to ensure it is a culturally safe and inclusive environment. They also support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families to engage within the school. (St Helena does have a KESO)
From: https://www.vacca.org/
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Koorie Club Leaders.
Rachel Aden (Koorie Club Leader) – ADE0010@sthelena.vic.edu.au
Jamie Humphries (Koorie Club Leader) – HUM0004@sthelena.vic.edu.au
For any other support needed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples please visit: https://headspace.org.au/yarn-safe/