Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

LucasPACFor using a growth mindset and perseverance to complete challenging tasks. Brilliant effort!
HarrietPAKFor the wonderful effort and positive attitude she shows in Maths sessions. Keep it up!
AyanPBDFor showing enthusiasm during our Numeracy daily reviews and consistently striving to get your answers correct.
GeebaPLBFor working hard to demonstrate the School Values of respect and responsibility. Keep up the fantastic work Geeba!
Anh1JMFor applying your personal best effort in writing sessions. Your hard work does not go unnoticed.
Archer1JSFor treating others kindly and for always demonstrating a team spirit attitude, towards group work - thank you for being open to everyone's ideas!
Makayla1LEFor the fantastic effort she put into reading and writing 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Ivy1LLFor the effort you showed when using number lines to subtract numbers. Well done Ivy!
Laszlo1MMFor coming up with a funny and original problem for your farm narrative. Well done Laszlo!
Ada2BLFor always taking on a challenge.  Ada we love your logical problem solving and enthusiasm!
Vera2CWFor the effort you have been putting into your reading fluency. Well done, Vera! 
Amelia2DKFor your incredible attitude towards learning. You always give your personal best, listen carefully to feedback and approach every day with a smile on your face
Tohru2MMFor your confidence in learning fractions and willingness to share your understanding with your classmates.
Vi2TFFor the personal best effort and presentation that is demonstrated in all of her work pieces. You set a great example, Vi!
Frankie3KTFor her growth mindset when completing reading tasks. Excellent effort, Frankie!
Alex3MPFor demonstrating a growth mindset during Literacy. You're a superstar!
Paloma3TMFor being a kind and thoughtful classmate. We are lucky to have you in 3TM!
King3TNFor showing a growth mindset and applying your personal best effort to complete the reading task. Terrific effort King!
Eric4AFFor sharing his creative stop motion videos with the grade. Thank you for bringing joy to 4AF, Eric!
Luigi4CMFor challenging yourself across all curriculum areas and demonstrating attentive listening in class. Well done, Luigi!
Ari4MKFor showing a positive attitude towards school and applying a growth mindset when faced with challenges. Keep it up Ari!
Frankie5HTFor always looking out for others and ensuring they are okay. Your kindness and care are truly appreciated!
Rory5RCFor showcasing resilience and respect in all she does. Her determination to overcome challenges and her kindness towards others make her a role model for the entire class. Well done Rory!
Owen5TCFor helping others in year five sport, showing leadership to bring others into the game. Fantastic work, Owen! 
Minah6KRFor continuing to develop a growth mindset through independent work. Minah sets high targets and motivates herself to achieve her goals.
Olivia6MAFor putting forth her best effort in all areas of her learning. Your positive vibes are infectious, Olivia. Keep up the great work!
Lucas6MIFor taking the time to help others stylise their Student Led Conference Slides. Your kindness is appreciated! 
Harry6MPFor making a great start to your persuasive text about renewable energy. Continue to include engaging persuasive devices as you write. Well done, Harry!
Miles Wright - 6MPTheirCareFor demonstrating amazing maturity while playing soccer with the young preps and ensuring they are okay at all times, especially when hurt. Well done Miles!!