Our Faith - Religion - Prayer 

 St Patrick's Church Walcha 

For Baptism or Marriage enquiries phone Monsignor Ted Wilkes 67784070.


Monsignor Ted Wilkes would like to invite parishioners to Sunday Mass 10am.



Term 2 Mass Dates

*Friday 28th June: Mass at 11.30am (tomorrow)

Term 3 Mass Dates

*Thursday 15th August: Mass (Feast of the Assumption) at 11.30am

*Friday 6th September: Mass at 11.30am

*Friday 20th September: Mass and Blessed Exposition at 11.30am


A remarkable woman, Maude O'Connell, was born around this time in Victoria in 1884. She was a teacher and social worker and became active in trade unions and politics. She nursed the sick during the flu epidemic of 1919. In 1930 she began a community of women (later called the Family Care Sisters), to go into homes to help look after mothers and children in difficult times. She died in Melbourne in 1965. 



God of new life,

we thank you for the gift of your Spirit

which filled the hearts of the apostles.

You called them

to take the good news to all peoples.

Give us a share in their courage.

Call on us, one day, to become apostles too.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.



Mass Tomorrow at 11.30am

Our last celebration of Mass for the term will be tomorrow, Friday 28th June commencing at 11.30am. Everyone is invited to join us for this special occasion.

Calling for Altar Servers

It was great to see we had four students receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time recently. Did you know that once a child can receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion they can take part in altar serving at both of our school and parish Masses?


Monsignor Wilkes is looking out for any of our students who would like to become an altar server. Altar Servers must be Catholic and have a basic understanding of the mystery of Jesus present in the Eucharist and of the importance of prayerful reverence in their role as Altar servers.


Servers will be shown how to serve commencing in the near future during lunchtime.


A questionnaire has been sent to all of the families whose children have completed the Sacrament of Holy Communion Preparation Program. If you have any questions regarding altar serving, don't hesitate to get in touch with Mr Hyatt.




Sacrament Dates for 2024

2024 First Reconciliation: Date has been set for our Catholic students in Years 2 and 3 for Friday 1st November 2024.

Catherine McAuley

Catherine’s spirituality was centred on the mercy of God…prayer in action…action in prayer.