Leadership Report

Written by Hayley Mann

Dear Saltwater Families, 


This edition of our newsletter includes information on how to access our all-important Annual Report, we also celebrate Education Support Personnel (ESP) Day, recognise the importance of preparing for cooler weather, and emphasise good hygiene practices, as well as revisit some repeated reminders from earlier in the term. 


Annual Report to School Community

The  School Annual Report provides an opportunity to share the previous school year’s achievements and progress with our school community. This includes reflecting on the school’s performance and explaining the impact of school improvement efforts on student outcomes. Our Annual Report is now published on our School’s Website, and we welcome you to read the report at your own leisure. For direct access to our Annual Report to the School Community, please click on the below image. 


Education Support Personnel (ESP) Day

ESP Day is celebrated on 16 May each year, a day to honour and recognise the extraordinary contribution education support staff make to our school and to public education. At Saltwater College, we celebrated ESP Day with a special lunch to honour and thank our ES staff for their hard work and contribution to our school programs. We are grateful to have our ES working by our side in many varied and important roles. 




Preparing for the Cooler Weather

As the cooler weather approaches and the mornings are filled with dew, it is a timely reminder for our students to wear the school uniform jumper, long pants and a jacket, in order to stay warm and dress appropriately for the cooler weather. Staying warm and healthy will help us to maintain regular school attendance. In addition to keeping warm, elevated hygiene practices help to stop the spread of germs. Assisting children to practice washing their hands, and sneezing or coughing into their elbows is a useful hygiene measure. Small strategies such as these can assist with reducing the spread of illnesses. 


As always, we value the communication from our community about absences and the reasons, as this assist us with our focus on attendance. Remember, attendance matters and everyday counts. 


Communication and Social Media at Saltwater 

As we publish significant events, accomplishments, and acknowledgements on our social media channels, we extend an invitation to our community to connect by following our social media pages.


A reminder that our newsletter acts as the main form of communication and a bridge between all platforms, with our school website, XUNO notifications, Schoolbox and emails continuing to be our official channels of communication. We love your comments and feedback, and please continue to exercise respect for our school and our community when responding to our posts.

Access to School Grounds After Hours (repeated article) Access to our school grounds and buildings is restricted outside of regular school hours for all members of our community, including students. This move is essential to preventing vandalism, theft, property damage/misuse and safety concerns for the public.  

 By limiting access to school grounds, we are aiming to prevent unauthorised individuals from entering the premises, thus reducing the likelihood of trespassing and related incidents. Safety is a top priority and this essential measure will help to safeguard our school property from potential threats, reducing unsafe incidents.

Out of School Hours Care and clubs who use our school after hours, are an exception to this.


Property Damage and Injury at School (repeated article) The following information is from Department of Education directives that we need to ensure our community is aware of.

We kindly remind families that students and parents/carers are responsible for a student’s personal items and property, including if it is lost, stolen or damaged at school. Claims for the reimbursement of the cost of a personal item/property brought to school will not be paid by the school and are not covered by school insurance. 

Parents/carers are also responsible for all medical expenses, including ambulance costs if they are incurred by a student at school. We encourage parents/carers to have up-to-date ambulance cover for their child/ren, where possible.

We thank you all for your support in regard to these Department of Education directives.


Thank you for reading our latest edition of our newsletter, remember to stay connected through our social media channels and remember to continue to check XUNO and Schoolbox for all our latest updates.