Year Six

Dear Year Six Families,
Congratulations on officially passing the half way mark on the Term! It has definitely been an exciting term so far, with students displaying enthusiasm and engagement in their learning journey. Students have wrapped up with our second Unit of Inquiry and have begun their third with the Transdisciplinary Theme being How We Organise Ourselves.
Students used their thinking skills to analyse transcripts of an unknown gold miner from the 1800s. They applied their knowledge of extracting information when continuing to research a historical event to create a plan for their summative writing assessment. They were then able to utilise the time provided to make a plan involving factual and fictional characters and creating a plot that could have been possible in the time period they had chosen. Students used this information, and created journal entries as though they were living through their chosen historical event. We commend students on the wonderful writing skills they displayed during this challenging task. Students were given the option to choose from the following events to create their plan and construct their journal entries:
- Arrival of people during the Australian gold rush
- Post-World War II migration
- 1970s Vietnamese migration to Australia
Students then highlighted their facts and applied their researching skills to fact check their work, ensuring accurate time periods and events.
Students continued using their thinking and knowledgeable skills when delving deeper in their mathematical unit of using units of measurement, with a heavy focus on area, perimeter, volume, capacity, mass and conversion of units. Students explored different shapes whilst using their problem solving skills to work out different areas and volumes. They used their mathematical knowledge of the multiplication and division whilst investigating units of measure and converting various units such as centimetres to metres, kilograms to grams, litres to millilitres, and even centimetre cubed to millilitres.
Students concluded the unit by investigation the migrations after the Vietnamese War in the 1970s. They analysed the impact the migration had on Australia and refugees, both positive and negative, gave reasons for the migration such as to escape communism and for a better life.
This week, students began their provocation by unpacking the Central Idea, Government systems may support the rights of citizens. Through their provocation, students were split into their house colour groups, where they rotated through classrooms experiencing the leadership styles of anarchy, democracy, communism and dictatorship. They participated in a chalk talk, were students wonder through their classroom, answering questions such as what they think Government means and the responsibilities of a government.
Athletics Carnival
In Week 4, Year 5 and 6 students participated in their annual Athletics Carnival. Students demonstrated an unwavering amount of discipline and respect throughout the day. Portraying fabulous sportsmanship for their peers and putting in their best efforts during competing. Students were proud to represent their houses, singing their chart and winning house points for their overall attitudes and commitments on the day. It was incredible to see all students participating in the events and cheering on their classmates, even if they were in different houses.
Canberra Camp
Students from our school will soon be undertaking, an education tour of the national capital. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage, and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding to our school in the amount of $45.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
- MacBooks: Please ensure MacBooks are brought to school every day fully charged. Unfortunately due to OH&S reasons, students are unable to charge their devices at school.
- Mobile Phones: If a student brings a phone to school, they must hand it in to their classroom teacher at the beginning of the day and collect it at the end of the day.
- Uniform: Students must be in full academic uniform everyday, with the exception of their Year 6 polo shirt. On days with sport or PE, students can wear their PE uniform.
- Canberra Camp: Begins next week, week 7. Students remaining at school will be exposed to similar events that will take place on camp through incursions and classroom activities.
- Late Arrivals: Students arriving to school from 8:40am must sign in at the office before going to class.
- Absences: If your child/ren are absent, please log this on Xuno as early as possible to avoid messages for unexplained absences.
Kindest regards,
Year Six Team