Year Five

Can you believe we are already in the second half of the term? Crazy how quickly time is flying by! As we reflect on the journey thus far, it's evident that each day brings new opportunities for growth and learning with so many different activities and events providing opportunities for our students.
Athletics Carnival
The Year 5/6 Athletics Day was an outstanding success! With the sun shining brightly, students enjoyed a fantastic time participating in a variety of events including the high jump, 100-meter sprint, and shot put. The atmosphere was vibrant with house spirit as students enthusiastically supported one another and vied for points for their houses. Congratulations to Goolagong House for securing first place on the day, followed by Vander-Kuyp House and Goodes House. The day was filled with friendly competition and abundant fun. All students deserve praise for their effort and determination. Special congratulations to those who won ribbons and placed in their age groups!
House colour day
It has been wonderful to see all students participating in friendly competitions to earn points during our house colour day. Our tug of war event has been a tremendous success. House Colour Day began with students displaying their team spirit through various contests, including the eagerly awaited Teacher vs Student basketball match with ultimate bragging rights going to the Year 5/6 teachers for their triumph over three of the four houses. The school grounds were filled with cheers and laughter as students enjoyed friendly rivalry, all aimed at earning points for their houses.
Surprise Baby Shower
Year Five teachers and students organised a delightful surprise baby shower for Mr. Vella, who is eagerly anticipating the arrival of his first child. The celebration featured an array of fun activities, such as "Stick the Dummy on Mr. Vella," designing onesies, and offering advice for future parents. Students thoroughly enjoyed participating in these creative and engaging activities. The event not only celebrated Mr. Vella's upcoming addition to his family but also fostered a sense of community and joy among the students. It was a memorable day filled with laughter, creativity, and heartfelt well-wishes for Mr. Vella.
In our reading unit, Students are engaging in a Reader’s Theatre group to enhance their oral fluency and expression. Through this interactive activity, students are practicing reading aloud with emotion and clarity, helping them become more confident and expressive readers. Each group selects a script, assigns roles, and rehearses their parts, focusing on voice modulation, pacing, and articulation. This dynamic approach not only improves their reading skills but also fosters teamwork and collaborative learning. The students are thoroughly enjoying this creative method of bringing stories to life.
In our writing unit, we have delved into various forms of poetry and composed our own poems along the way. Students are now putting the finishing touches on their personal poetry journals. These journals serve as a platform for students to articulate their thoughts and emotions through diverse poetic styles. Each journal reflects the unique artistic flair of the individual student, showcasing their creativity and expressive writing.
In Mathematics, Students investigated why we have different time zones and why is there a time difference. They compared 12- and 24-hour time system and converted the time using the units’ hours, minutes and seconds. Showing remarkable problem-solving skills, Students have worked through a range of word-based math problems in our lessons, highlighting their developing mathematical abilities and critical thinking. Next week, we are starting a new unit of Data Representation and Interpretation. This is a fun unit, where we get to explore surveying to collect data, analysing the data, and then displaying the data in a variety of ways.
In our Unit of Inquiry, Students explored what Australia looked like prior to British colonisation. They researched the impact of colonisation and created informative posters to explain their findings to their peers. This activity helped students gain a deeper understanding of Australia's history and its lasting effects on the indigenous population.
We are finalising our plans on the action section of our unit, which is focused around reconciliation week, happening next week.
- Science works Excursion- Wednesday 22nd May (5B, 5E, 5F, 5G, 5I) and Tuesday 28th May( 5A, 5C, 5D, 5H, 5J). Students are to bring their food in a plastic bag with their name clearly labelled on it. No school bags can be brought to science works.
- Laptops: please ensure laptops are sent to school each day fully charged.
- Late Arrivals (after 8:40am): Students must sign in through the office and obtain a late pass.
- Absences: Student absences must be marked on XUNO as soon as possible by parents/carers.
- Camp medical forms & payment: A friendly reminder that camp medical forms have been sent out and are required to be returned by Tuesday 18th June. All payments can be made via Xuno
- Waste-Free Wednesday: Every Wednesday, Students are working together to create a waste-free environment. All students are encouraged to bring their food in reusable containers.