Year Three

Dear Year Three Families,
It has been wonderful to witness the learning and development of our students during this busy time of the year. The students continued to demonstrate the attributes of communicators and risk-takers by constantly challenging and pushing themselves to meet their learning goals.
In Reading, we have been focusing on using reading strategies such as the five-finger retell and SWBST (Somebody, Wanted, But, So Then.) These are tools used to help students summarise a story or a piece of text. This technique is especially useful for understanding narrative texts, as it breaks down the essential components of a story so that we do not miss the important parts. It was great to see students successfully apply this skill to deepen their understanding and connection with the text. The students also moved on to learn about how we can identify the genre of the text by exploring the unique features in both genres.
This term the Writing, the Year Three students have been focusing on the narrative structure. A well-structured narrative is crucial in providing readers with a little bit of suspense while keeping them invested in the characters and their challenges. The students were also risk-takers as they analysed their writing using a narrative checklist and then used this to set a goal for their writing so that they can improve their writing craft. They showcased some excellent communication and social skills as they not only edited their work but also learnt to provide effective peer feedback.
In Maths, students were explored the concept of time. Students practised identifying the hour and minute hands, understanding the difference between AM and PM, and telling time to the nearest five minutes. Our students displayed the attribute of thinkers while working collaboratively in small groups to enhance their understanding of time.
The students completed their Second Unit of Inquiry under the Transdisciplinary Theme, 'How We Express Ourselves'. It was an inquiry into the ways in which we express ideas, feelings, nature and beliefs and how we extend and enjoy creativity. The students explored the Central Idea, 'Patterns and colours in nature and how they inspired creativity.' The culmination of this unit was a a mini exhibition, where the Year Three students proudly showcased the beautiful artwork they created using raw materials and recycled materials. We thank the parents, guardians, friends and family members who attended and celebrated the students achievements.
The countdown is on! There is less than 27 days till the Year Three camp. Please ensure camp payments are made by June 10th. If you would like to discuss the option of a payment plan, please reach out to our wonderful office staff. We want to ensure as many students can have this unforgettable opportunity as possible. Please reach out to your child's classroom teacher if you have any other questions regarding camp.
- Parents to keep an eye out for updates about camp via Xuno or emails.
- Please make sure all the student absences are recorded on Xuno and a comment is provided for it.
- Homework is published fortnightly on the Year Three SchoolBox page as well as individual classroom pages