Student Wellbeing

Mrs Rebecca Beveridge

WOW! I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone! We have achieved so much this year and I am very thankful to have had such a great year as being the Wellbeing Leader! There have been so many things we have been involved in this year and it has been amazing to see the student's skills grow! 

PBL Wrap Up

It has been so delightful to have such a great year of fully embedding our whole school behaviour approach- Positive Behaviours for Learning! What a successful year we have had! Our three school behaviour expectations of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience are consistently tracked through the use of our 'Gotcha' tokens. Students displaying Respectful, Responsible and Resilient behaviours are awarded with a 'Gotcha'. This year we have already filled our 'Gotcha Tower' up FOUR times! When we do this, we receive a whole school reward. In the past three terms to reward the student's behaviour we have had a Scavenger Hunt Game, Slushies and Hot Chips! This week we awarded the students with a PJ and movie day! We also had a special packet of chips for everyone as well! We are very proud of all our student's behaviour this year!


We have also been having chocolate rewards at assembly where we randomly draw two names out of the tower!


All of our rewards have been student-led and have been ideas taken from the students! We are really proud of how successful this year has gone and we are looking forward to another great year ahead!


Special mention to Charlee for all her great work as PBL leader!


School upgrades!

You will notice that last Newsletter I shared how each Friendship group had designed some areas of the school, they believed needed an upgrade! We decided to repaint a lot of the chairs and poles around the school. Especially because some were plain! The grade 5/6's have taken on the role of being the painters and we are so amazed at how great they are looking so far! We haven't quite finished them yet but when they are completed we will share some photos via Facebook!



I wish you all a great holidays and a Merry Christmas! I am looking forward to another great year in 2024! 


My email is always open if you have any ideas, questions or queries: