Four/Five News

It has come to that time of the year again and my what a year it has been. We have enjoyed teaching all of these wonderful human beings and have been so grateful for their humour, positive outlooks and words of wisdom this year. The children of 4/ 5 have not only shown great resilience this year, but they have also matured in many ways and developed some wonderful friendships and lasting memories.
I have included some of the special events and experiences for you and the kids to remember and reflect upon. This list incorporates some, but not all of the highlights of the year of 2023. The children have been involved in: camp 3/ 4 to the city and 5/ 6 to Phillip Island, introduction bbq, the Shrek production, school disco, hoop time, environmental incursions and trips to the city. In addition, the students have had several leadership, friendship and well-being workshops, the colour fun run, walk-a-thon and the opportunity to lead assembly this year.
Just recently another special day to remember was the pyjama day and movie afternoon. The students have worked hard all year and this is just one of the ways we have celebrated their efforts of showing resilience, respect and responsibility throughout this term.
By now you would already know your child's new class teacher for next year. Mr. Foley will be teaching in one of the Year 5/6 classrooms with Ms. Durrant and Ms. Urquhart and the other grade 5 / 6 class will be taught by Mrs. Simone Traynor. We are looking forward to working with some of your children again next year in 2024.
Next week you will receive your end-of-year reports. If you have any questions about these reports you can always ring the school and book a time with Ms Durrant on Friday the 15th before or after school.
Please endeavor to return all library books this week for our end-of-year stock take. Thank you!
We wish you all the very best for the school break. Stay safe and have a wonderful relaxing holiday. We have had a wonderful year teaching your children and thank you for all our ongoing support this year.
Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas!
Ms. Paula Durrant and Ms. Megan Urquhart