News from Three/Four

Our students have been thinking about the year that's been. They want to share their best thing about school this year:
The best thing about this year has been visiting the library. I love borrowing books! Bennett
I really like the fun brain breaks because we get to play slow-motion tag. Noah. V
The best thing at school this year was camp. It was really fun, I reallu loved going to the State Library and learning new things. Matilda
I have enjoyed making new friends at school. It has been good to play with new people. Mackenzie
I have liked making more friends because you get to know them and if you have no one to play with you can play them as well. Marley
I have really enjoyed playing Gaga with my friends because it's fun playing with my friends. Oli
I like sport with Mr Foley because I get to run around and be with my friends and run around with my friends. Sophie B
I loved when we did the party planning because it was fun having a budget and thinking you could buy things for the school. Harry
I have really enjoyed the math game Paddocks because it's a puzzle and it helps you get better at maths Noah. L
Probably... having experience with lots of different teachers because I can see how the other teachers are different and what they can help me with and they have helped me lern different things. Lacey
All the brain breaks and all the fun math games because they are really fun and have helped me learn. Millie
I have liked learning the paddocks game with 5's and 10's It is a simple game and a good thing to play with a group of people. Jayden
I like this year because I have made lots of friends. They have been really nice to me, they're awesome and amazing. Amelia
I liked doing the mathematics party planning because I liked looking at what we could buy and working as a group. Clara
Something I have really enjoyed this year is math because I have been learning new things and it has been giving me a challenge. Will
I have really enjoyed most of the people in the class and people in this class have been helping me a lot and making me feel better. Dylan
I like the end of the year because I can have a break and do nothing! Parker V
I have loved the whole year, the whole thing has been glorious! Parker H
The best thing about this year was playing with different people because sometimes when you have arguments you can choose to play with other people when you want. You can make different friends and they have different ideas. Sophie D
I love playing at the cafe, its lots of fun. Maddi
I have loved all the art we do because it's really fun and we learn how to make new stuff. Annabelle
The best thing about school is playing and seeing everybody. Zac
The thing I loved was the colour run. We got toys and we got to give money to the poor people too. Joe
I like playing outside with my friends and I liked the soccer tournament too. Cooper