News from One/Two

Well, it's time to say goodbye to a lovely year and some amazing children.
If we look back we can reflect on some of the wonderful events this year that our 1/2 children have participated in. To mention a few, our Blue Bots and ECCOs incursion, city multicultural excursion, making robots and communities out of cardboard, our colour run, school disco, and orienteering at Maroondah Dam, Bookweek, and NAIDOC activities. These are just a few of the events celebrated this year. It has been a great team of teachers working together in the Prep/1/2 Grades!
Over the last few weeks, we are starting to get festive and ready for the Christmas holidays. Our class presented the first Advent assembly this week, we watched a special Christmas movie and wore our PJs all day for the Positive Behaviours for Learning whole school award.
The 1/2 class has also been getting excited about their Christmas Door decorations and Christmas crafts, we learned about the history of the Christmas tree and are starting to make our very own one out of paper straws to be hung on a home tree.
By now you would already know your child's new class teacher for next year. Mr Foley will be teaching in the Year 5/6 classroom with Mrs. Durrant and Mrs. Tarquinio will be going casual teaching in 2024.
Next week you will receive your end-of-year reports. If you have any questions about these reports you can always book a time with Mr Foley on Wednesday the 13th or Thursday the 14th of December after school.
Please endeavor to return all library books and class readers/ reading folders this week for our end-of-year stock take. Thank you!
We wish you all the very best for the school break. Be safe and have a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for letting us teach your fabulous children this year.
Jacqui Tarquinio and Terry Foley
1/2 Class Teachers