Community Events Page 

Brigid Dolan 


This Friday 27 October we have our first Plant and Produce Market for term 4, and it’s a chance to lean into the spooky baking ahead of Halloween. We are asking grade 2 parents to help out with setting up and serving (alongside some CET volunteers), and everyone to help by baking or bringing produce. If you are able to help please add your name here. Come along and connect as a community, or send your children with some money to buy a sweet treat after school. 


CET dates ahead:

Halloween Plant and Produce Market - 27 October

Get ready for some spooky cakes and treats! Look out for a notice on Sentral to volunteer to help out serving or baking. 


Christmas Plant & Produce Market - 15 December

Our final plant and produce market for the year, just in time to get some treats for the end of year celebrations. 


Buildings and Grounds Committee dates:

Committee meetings - 1st November, 15th November 

If you are interested in finding out more about the buildings and grounds committee, you are welcome to join a committee meeting. 


Working bee and Pizza - 19 November

Get ready to help keep our school looking beautiful. 



If you want to get in touch about community events or about joining the team, email Anne and Brigid (co-chairs) at 


If you want to get in touch about buildings and grounds or about joining the committee, email Pip at 


All volunteers at the school need a valid Working With Children’s Check - click this link to apply if you don’t have one. It’s fairly straightforward and free for volunteers.