From the Principal

Working Bee Saturday  the 1st of March (3pm - 5pm) BBQ & House Points for students

"Parents Only" Cybersafety Education Session Wednesday 5th of March - 6.30pm - 8pm

School Photos Friday 21st of March

Welcome to IPS 

Our community and the commitment of our teachers, staff and students make IPS a very special school.  There is always something exciting going on and best way to keep informed is to read the newsletter, monitor COMPASS, Class Dojo and the newsletter.


Talking to your children is also a great way to find out what is going on at school so you don't miss events. 


The school is about to commence a review and you have an opportunity to join a parent forum in person in early March. We take online safety very seriously and there is a parent evening coming up. We have a Working Bee to relocate bike racks to make them more accessible to families using the bike path. We have a new school council. Every class NEEDS a Parent Rep. The PFA has been very busy mapping out a program of events for everyone. Students are attending a leadership conference. We have a reminder about the importance of the Parent Payment Contribution. Some advice on the best times to approach teachers. All this is just on this page! 


You should also check out the Student Voice page for contributions from the students, our Stars of the Week page and discover who our Semester One Junior school Councillors are and when they will receive their badges.

Cyber Safety Parent Session at IPS

Parents Only Cybersafety Education Session Wednesday 5th of March - 6.30pm - 8pm

Understanding digital safety can be daunting, and it’s often hard for parents and carers to know how to approach what can be a tricky topic.


This interactive workshop will empower you with the skills and knowledge to:

  • Model a safe and healthy balance at home.
  • Participate in your child's online world.
  • Communicate openly about online risks.
  • Supervise and support your child.

Seating is limited. Book through COMPASS.

Parent Payment Contribution

While all Government schools receive funding, IPS runs many programs  and resources that rely on the parent voluntary contribution. We are yet to meet many of our budget targets, including digital learning technologies and curriculum contributions. If you are still considering to what level, you are able to support the school program please also consider the educational benefits the contribution affords every child at our wonderful school. The form is at this link.

2025 Term 1 Working Bee 1st of March 3pm-5pm

Please come along to our next Working Bee. Prior to the date a job sheet will be put up online and you will be able to see what needs to be done and where you can sign on. Children who help can earn house points and we usually put on a bbq.

PFA Events & Community Building Opportunities

Please regularly refer to the PFA page in this and following editions of Inside Ivanhoe. 


Below are some "Save the dates" for this year's events. 


Mother's Day stall Wednesday 7th May

Mother's Day Breakfast Thursday 8th May

Disco Friday 25th July

Trivia Saturday 31st May 

Father's Day stall Wednesday 3rd September

Father's Day Breakfast Thursday 4th September

Biennial IPS Fair Saturday 22nd November

End of Year Picnic Friday 12th December 


The next PFA meeting is Tuesday 18th of March in the Staffroom at 7pm (enter off Waterdale Rd). All welcome.


The time you commit to the PFA is dependent on the time you have available. We understand that life is busy and the juggling of children, home and work can sometimes be overwhelming. We welcome as little or as much input as you can offer. 

IPS School Council

Welcome to Jenna Milligan, Meiliana Lukman, Naomi Ewington, Justine Convery, Liz Kennedy and Emily Chau who join Hamish Wood, Paul Morland, Adrian Biasi, Dan McLaughlan, Joanne O’Hara, Michelle Tieman, Nick King, Pam Wright and Mark Kent as your duly elected 2025 school council. Meeting dates and other information can be found on the IPS School Council page which will be updated throughout the year.

Junior School Councillors 

Our JSC Leaders will be presented with their badges at assembly on Monday the 24th of February. Families are very welcome to come to watch. A full list of the IPS JSC can be found on the Junior School Council Leaders page.

Specialist Leaders

Our Specialist Leaders will be presented with their certificates at assembly on Monday the 3rd of March. 

Every Class Needs A Parent Rep

Please help.


Each class needs a class representative to help get things done!  Contact your child's teacher if you are interested.  If you're happy to help out every now and again, or you're interested in social get-togethers, you might want to consider adding your contact details to your child's class rep list.  Keep a look out for the request coming soon!


We welcome and value families who would like to volunteer with us.  Take a look at our classroom helpers information along with our Child Safe Volunteer information and please do volunteer. You'll find it really rewarding.



Annual Privacy Reminder

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to remind yourself of the school’s collection statement, found on our website.

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available many community languages:

School Review

All Victorian Government schools undertake a review every 4 years.  The purpose of the school review is to accurately and authentically review how they have met the goals set out in their strategic plan, support schools to set future directions and also to develop a new four year strategic plan. 


Our school review will take place this year over three days;

  • Day 1 - Tuesday 4th March
  • Day 2 - Thursday 6th March
  • Day 3 - Wednesday 12th March

An external Review Panel is formed to support schools and a crucial element in the process is, the Parent Forum.   This is your opportunity to be a part of our school review, to add your voice and to shape the future directions of our school.  


The Parent Forum will be facilitated by the Reviewer (Brian Collins) on Tuesday 4th March at 3pm in the Collaboration Space.  Please come along and be part of helping us create a roadmap for the future. You don't need to let us know you're coming, just turn up!

The shared path at the bottom of Ailsa Grove

We encourage children and parents to cycle. scoot and walk to and from school. 

The pathway that runs through the parks and reserves at the bottom of the school is a wonderful thoroughfare for our students and families. However, occasionally collisions occur during peak periods in the morning and afternoon.


If you walk to school, please consider that you will be passed by children and parents riding bicycles and scooters, so to avoid collisions please keep to the left and, cyclists when you’re passing, please use a bell or signal your intentions so that people in front of you are aware that you are approaching. 


Bicycle etiquette would have all cyclists and scooters passing pedestrians on their right, so pedestrians should be walking to the left of the bicycle path regardless of the direction they are travelling in.


A positive relationship with students and parents is the first step towards a productive year. An important trait of being a successful teacher, and staff member, is to be approachable to students and parents and take all concerns seriously.


The first few weeks of school really set the tone for the rest of the year. It’s when teachers and students begin to build trust, and when the classroom environment starts to take shape. Teachers get a sense of how each student learns best, their strengths, and areas they might need extra support.


It’s also crucial for the students to feel comfortable, knowing what’s expected of them in terms of behavior and academics. Establishing clear guidelines early on helps prevent confusion later and helps students feel more secure in their routines.


Teachers may be perceived to be a bit firmer during the early part of the year to ensure that the expectations in their classrooms are met, but at the same time develop positive relationships and mutual respect. It’s a tricky balance but our teachers do it exceptionally well.


As a teacher, maintaining approachability is important, but balancing that with the responsibilities in the classroom can sometimes be challenging. The duty of care towards students needs to take priority, especially when the school day begins. By all means, say hello to teachers but if a parent or carer wishes a significant concern to be addressed, just before 9am or when the class has just entered the classroom, expecting the teacher to be available for a discussion may be unrealistic. Rather, please schedule specific times for discussions and appointments with the teacher or through the school office to ensure  teacher availability and your needs are respected. This way, parents are supported, and teachers can maintain a productive learning environment.


Thank you for your continued support.


Mark Kent



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