BUSY TIMES.........

With only a few weeks of school for the year to go it is busy times. This week we have seen a number of celebrations and acknowledgements of mile stones for some of our students. Tuesday night was our annual graduation celebration where all our year 12 students, their families and staff from the school celebrate and acknowledge the students time at Naranga school. For some, it has been 13 years and others less. Regardless, it is always a great night and well supported by staff, some of which have worked with the students more than 10 years ago. This is followed up with a farewell breakfast/lunch at school on the Thursday. This is a relaxed event for those graduating students and some staff just to share their memories of their time at Naranga and their plans for the future. A further celebration is happening this afternoon for those upper junior students who are transitioning to seniors. Another opportunity to celebrate their time in juniors.
This week we have had a ‘build a ginger bread house’ competition. Each homeroom group did their best to produce the winner. The SRC group undertook the judging and everyone is waiting for the announcement of the winning class. There were some disasters with cracked walls and collapsed roofs.
You may have heard we had a visit from our local federal member to our school assembly on Wednesday. Ms Jodie Belyea MP, member for Dunkley came to present the annual Dunkley Shield to one of our students. We were able to keep the recipient a secret until the moment. It was awesome to see the look on Krystal O’Brien’s face when her name was called – well deserved Krystal.
Things on the horizon for next week include Student Support Group meetings (SSG’s). If you have not yet connected with your daughter/sons classroom teacher to make a time to catch up, there is still time to do so.
The Statewide transition day is Tuesday next week (10th December) where students within and students who will start school at Naranga in 2025 will spend time with their 2025 homeroom teacher. We all look forward to this time catching up with new students and new parents.
It is Variety Club time again, Thursday next week (12th December) and our junior school students and staff will attend, something they all look forward to every year.
Finally, there is a parent information night for parents and students who are transitioning to the senior school on Thursday 12th December 6-7pm. This is an opportunity to learn more about the programs, and ask lots of questions, there will be a session for parents and students transitioning to the senior school. This is a chance to learn about programs and ask questions.
We look forward to seeing everyone at these events!
As you can see, it is busy times.
Shaun Bacon
Assistant Principal