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News from Years 1-2



Our class has been very busy learning about whole numbers in Maths for the last couple of weeks. We love discovering new things about numbers. 


Did you know:

  • In Australia, the word ‘and’ is used when reading a number greater than 100 or writing it in words. For example, five hundred and sixty-three.
  • We see and use numbers all the time.  Where can you see numbers?  (maybe ask someone in your family.)  bus, train, highway speed, phone, postcodes, etc

In our class we have Learning Intentions so that we know what we are learning. 

Our Learning Intention is: to apply an understanding of place value and the role of zero to read, write and order two-digit and three-digit numbers


We also have Success Criteria so that we know how we can achieve our learning intentions.


Success Criteria:

I can:

  • recognise that ten ones is the same as one ten
  • count large sets of objects by systematically grouping in tens
  • use 10 as a reference in forming numbers from 11 to 20
  • partition two-digit numbers to show quantity values 
  • count and represent large sets of objects by systematically grouping in tens and hundreds
  • use models such as base 10 material and interlocking cubes to represent and explain grouping


Here are some activities that we have been trying to work on.  

Mrs Hoy and Mrs Flanagan have been assessing our knowledge. 


Activities for Year 1 and 2 to achieve.  

Can I?   

  • Identify the number before and after a given two-digit number.
  • Identify the number before and after a given two-digit number.
  • Count forwards and backwards by ones from a given number to at least 120
  • Model and describe 'odd' and 'even' numbers using items paired in two rows.
  • count forwards and backwards by twos from any starting point.


YR 2 as well..

  • Identify the number before and after a given three-digit number
  • Count forwards and backwards by tens, on and off the decade, with two- and three-digit numbers
  • Identify how many more to the next multiple of ten within two- and three-digit numbers


We used tens frame, counters, place value chart and hundreds chart. 



Sometimes after reading an exciting book we do some fabulous activities to help with our comprehension.

Pictured are the bicycle activities based on shadow tracing.



Highlights from Wearing Favourite Sporting Colours Day Today




Reading is so important. See what one minute, 10 minutes, and 20 minutes of reading each day equates to over a year.



Playground update begins to take form!