Principal's News

A special invitation!
Our Year 3/4 students have been lucky to work with Waterwatch and they have invited all Trinity families to this event TONIGHT! (See Ms Belinda's Sustainability Page HERE)
Prayer: For a flourishing community
God, we ask for a flourishing community, where neighbors learn to love each other and come to know Jesus.
We pray that we can be good stewards of Your love to each one of our neighbors.
We ask that You help us to learn from our community,
and it may be a place where all are welcomed.
Dear Families,
MACSSIS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools, School Improvement Surveys)
As many of you are aware, each year our school community is asked to complete Parent, Student and Staff Surveys in relation to a number of domains such as, School Engagement, School Climate, Student Safety etc. The questions asked in the surveys vary for staff, students and parents, however, all results help to form a picture of the areas in which we are doing well and those in which we need to improve or work on. The results of the surveys are now available for schools to access and as a staff we will review the data in order to set achievable goals for next year. I thank all those parents who took the time to complete the Parent Survey as your voice is an important form of feedback for us and ensures we can focus our efforts on what matters most to all our stakeholders.
Friday Night School
This Friday will be the final evening for the Friday Night School and once again it has provided an amazing opportunity for so many of our children. I must thank all the Friday Night Staff, especially Sheena, Margaret and our own Mrs Boffa who have been involved for such a long time and enable this program to run. A special thank you also to Ms Marinelli who this year has become involved with the program and each Friday night helps the staff and of course keeps a special eye on our children from Trinity. Finally, without all those incredibly dedicated senior secondary students who give up their time to tutor the students a program such as this could not run and I must thank each of them and their schools for supporting Friday Night School. We look forward to the tutoring program running again next year and will communicate details early next year.
Smith Family Learning club
Another great initiative we are fortunate to be involved in is the Student Learning Club held at Melbourne Grammar School each Thursday after school. Without the support of the Smith Family who fund this program it would not be able to continue and so we thank them for their commitment to providing this for so many students. Thank you also to Ms Frankie who supervises the children attending and ensures they are all retunred to school safely for pick up at 5:30pm.
Next year the Learning Club may be run on a different day so we will let you know well in advance as soon as it is confirmed.
School Fees
Please find below an outline of school fees for 2025 which have been approved by the School Board and MACS. Families who may be eligible for the CSEF subsidy and those who can apply for a MACS Concessional Fee allowance can contact myself through the office to enable the appropriate forms to be completed. Further information in regard to eligibility for fee reduction will be communicated in the coming weeks.
School Uniforms
There still seems to be some confusion in regard to our school uniform especially with socks and tights. Currently the requirement is grey socks or tights with our academic uniform and grey or white socks with our sports uniform. Black shoes or runners are to be worn each day and only on sports days should students wear coloured runners. I have included below illustrations of the uniforms for you information.
Academic Uniform | Sports Uniform |
Student Reports and Student Led Conversations
Teachers have begun working on student reports and will be completing important assessment work in the coming weeks. As always, we will provide a formal written report for all year levels which will be sent out through the Parent Portal on Monday 9th December. For Year Prep to Year 4, the Student Led Conversations will be held on Tuesday 10th and bookings can be made in the usual manner. As Ms O'Connor will be away from Wednesday 4th December we will hold the Year 5/6 Student Led conversations on Monday 2nd December. A booking link will be sent to all Year 5/6 Parents. As Year 5/6 parents will not receive the written reports until Monday 9th December Ms O'Connor and Mr Anania will make themselves available to meet with any parent who has concerns or may wish to discuss the written report.
Brazilian Jiu Jistu Classes
Aly, one of our parents has opened a new Brazilian Jiu Jistu Academy and would love to welcome new families to check it out.
Classroom Cuisine - Online Lunch Orders
Classroom Cuisine LOGIN HERE. Register to begin ordering.
Download Menu and Pricing
There are many important events throughout the term so please keep an eye on the school calendar.
Secondary Schools - St Mary's College- BOOK A TOUR HERE
Playgroup @ Trinity Primary School
We encourage all those with pre-school children aged 0-6 years to attend these wonderful sessions.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send Ms Kate Foley an email.
- Dance Factory - Dance Classes
- EXTEND - Out of Hours School Care
- FC Melbourne X Strike Soccer Local soccer club in Richmond
Get in contact to learn more! Join our exciting club teams in 2024
text or call 0405 765 943 - First Year Registration is FREE
Last chance to buy 2024 Concert videos!
Nigel Rodrigues