Dear parents and carers,


It has been another cold week so it is a good reminder to how important it is for students to come to school in warm clothes or at least bring them if they do get cold. A reminder to parents and students that supervision in the yard before school starts from 8:45pm, so students will not be able to access the yard before this time.  We really appreciate your support on this.


Earlier this week our careers teacher ran an expo night.  As usual it was well attended. This is a reflection of the parents and students understanding of planning early for post Naranga life.  It was great to see so many organisations in an attendance,  a reflection of the varied options available to our students post schooling.


Finally,  something Naranga School has been part of now  for eight years - National Simultaneous Storytime.  It is an Australia-wide group reading and literacy event, where schools, libraries and other institutions gather school-age children together to read the same chosen picture book at the same time.  It is an event the students and staff look forward to each year.


Student Attitudes to School Survey

From Tuesday 28th May - Friday 14th June students of Grade 4 - Year 12 age equivalent will engage in the Student Attitudes to School Survey. The survey is an important part of gathering student voice to better inform future school decision making. For more information please see attached. If you do not wish for your child to participate please email the school by Monday 27th May. 


Brave Week 

June 11th-14th is Brave Week at Naranga. This is our second Brave Week after starting the initiative last  year. The week focuses on students learning the base skills of Restorative Practices. There will be lots of activities and lesson done in a circle. The week also sees some pretty cool incursions for students to enage with. We will share more informaiotn closer to the week. 





Winter Uniform

Now that we are moving into the cooler months, please ensure students are wearing appropriate clothing. If you are missing a jumper or jacket, please ask homeroom teachers as we have a number in lost property. Pants/leggings should also be blue not black. Please touch base with the office if you need assistance with uniform requirements.


School Council parent member vacancy

Naranga is looking for another parent to join the School Council for a two year term.  Meetings are twice each term on a Tuesday night at 6pm.

Please contact the school to self-nominate.  It is a great opportunity to make a valuable contribution to the school.

If you have any questions please contact Kai on 9788 2222.