Transitioning to 

Senior School, 

Information Evening 

The transition to senior school is a pivotal moment in a student’s educational journey and our recent information night for families was a resounding success with about 60 families in attendance.  The evening provided an overview of the upcoming opportunities that await Craigieburn Secondary College students in their senior years. 


With a focus on achievement and success, the information evening explained the requirements of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM).  This included Vocational and Education Training (VET) requirements. 


Families gained a comprehensive understanding of the subjects, assessments and study load that will shape their child’s senior years.  This will open productive discussions at home about pathways and future intentions. From university pathways to vocational training, families were equipped with the knowledge needed to make informed choices and guide their children towards fulfilling careers in various industries. 















The evening also emphasized the significance of work experience in year 10 and work placements to cultivating practical skills and prepare students for the professional world.  Families were informed about the benefits of hands-on learning and its impact on building a powerful resume and encouraging a sense of responsibility.


Speaking with families after the event, it was evident that this information night is a vital step in generating a strong partnership between CSC and our families as the collaboration will pave the way for each student’s success. 


Ms Vivian Neill,

Lead Teacher – Pathways.