Year 12 Celebration Day

As the school year comes to a close for our year 12s and they prepare to say goodbye to Craigieburn Secondary School, it is only fitting that we reflect upon the journey they have embarked on over the last 6 years. For the Class of 2023, finishing secondary school marks the end of an era and the beginning of an exciting new chapter in their lives. They have grown not only academically but also as individuals. They have learned life lessons that extend far beyond the classroom, building a strong foundation for their futures.


Their time at school has been marked by academic pursuits that have challenged and nurtured their intellectual growth. From late-night cram sessions before SACs, to working out a contention for the English oral, all year 12 students have faced their fair share of academic hurdles and emerged as more knowledgeable, resilient individuals. Many of them have earned scholarships, awards, and early entry offers, proving the dedication and commitment to their education.


School was not just about hitting the books. Over the years they have also participated in a variety of extracurricular activities that allowed them to discover their passions and talents. Whether it was joining sports teams, or engaging in productions such as the 4cs, these experiences enriched their lives and helped them develop essential life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and time management.

The past few years have been marked by unprecedented challenges.  The trials of covid had an enormous impact on everyone, however, their ability to adapt and persevere has been nothing short of inspiring. By demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity, learning to navigate remote learning and overcome the unique obstacles posed by the global pandemic, I feel confident that our year 12 cohort have the ability to successfully move onto the next phase of their lives.
