Year 11 News

Year 11 students are working toward the final weeks of the 2023 academic year and we understand that this can be a demanding time for both students and parents. When discussing your child’s preparation for end of semester exams, prompt them to plan and prioritise areas that need the greatest attention. Encourage them to maximise revision opportunities in class, review past assessments and feedback, and seek clarification with their teachers. 




It is also important to remind your child that they should be mindful of getting enough sleep, avoid unnecessary distractions, maintain physical exercise and remember to eat well.  Additionally, encourage your child to view their preparation as a learning opportunity to fine-tune strategies that will enable them to manage the challenges that come with preparing for an assessment. 


Year 11 VCE Vocational Major


Students undertaking the VCE Vocational Major have been actively involved in a range of applied learning opportunities that develop their employability skills and prepare them for further education, training and employment.  VCE Vocational Major students navigated the process of applying for work by developing their personal resume and applying for positions as part of a mock interview process. They practised their interview skills through small group activities in their Work-Related Skills classes and participated in their mock sessions with guest interviewers. Students enthusiastically demonstrated the knowledge and skills required for success in job interviews and we are very proud of their achievements.