NRL Gala Day

On Wednesday the 25th of October, the NRL Youth Advocates of our college got a special opportunity to spend the day helping out NRL Victoria with a gala day that was held at Seabrook Reserve. The event was attended by NRL Victoria and the Australian Jillaroos!




At the start of the event, we began with a short briefing about what our roles were and how our day was going to look. Afterwards we broke off into small groups and helped the coaches teach the grade 3s and 4s the basic skills of Rugby League. We ended off our small drills with a dance party with the Australian Jillaroos. Here we were able to meet and get pictures with some of the players like Simaima Taufa from the Canberra Raiders and Kennedy Cherrington from the Parramatta Eels.


After the Jillaroos had left, we got ourselves ready to referee our first League Tag games of the day. As the day went on, we were able to make funny friendships with all the school kids and enjoyed meeting the Australian Jillaroos. Overall, we were fortunate to have a fun experience with some of the professional players. 


Written by Jada Patelesio.