Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations, in collaboration with nations worldwide, is fervently dedicated to the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These SDGs represent a comprehensive global agenda aimed at addressing critical challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and more.


At CSC, our Year 8 high-ability class is actively engaging in a profound educational initiative focused on unpacking and comprehending the annual progress reports released by the UN. These reports meticulously track the advancement made by nations towards achieving the SDGs, providing valuable insights into the collective efforts of the international community.


These progress reports are rich in content, encompassing a wide array of literacy and numeracy components, including the interpretation of intricate data presented in the form of graphs and statistics. To complement classroom learning and foster a deeper understanding, our students have already embarked on an enlightening excursion to the Melbourne Museum, with another excursion planned to the scenic Organ Pipes National Park. These outings serve to elevate the learning experience, allowing students to witness real-world examples and applications of the principles and goals outlined in the SDGs.


This educational journey is seamlessly integrated into our math and science curriculum, ensuring that students not only gain a profound grasp of the SDGs but also develop critical analytical skills that will serve them well in their academic pursuits and beyond. Through these efforts, we aim to inspire a generation of future leaders who are not only well-versed in the global sustainability agenda but are also equipped to contribute meaningfully to its realization.


Sustainable Development Goals in the Classroom

8G had a special lesson where they learned about Sustainable Development Goals, which are important global missions to make the world better. This lesson was not just about learning the goals; it also focused on improving student reading skills. Now they will move on to the next part of their learning journey. This will involve looking at the goals and the related reports prepared by the United Nations, but with a numeracy perspective. They will use their numeracy skills to better understand how well the world is doing in achieving these important objectives.