Dear parents and carers,
By now you may have heard your daughter or son talk about Brave Week and some of the different activities they have been doing every day this week. This is a yearly program where we have a weeks focused on building resilience and connections at school. It involves individual and group activities that are challenging at times as well as fun. The variety in the program leads to experiences the students may not otherwise get the opportunity. From discussions I have been part of, it has been a successful program again. It finishes with a Free Dress Day tomorrow with the theme Bluey raising money for the RSPCA.
Next week is Student Support Group (SSG) meetings. We are looking forward to the Student-Led Conference component and whilst some students are nervous about this, they are excited at have the chance to speak if they wish. Be prepared, they may want to share some work they are proud of, what they have learn't and what they are looking forward to learning. It is an exciting time and we are looking forward to the feedback - especially from the students. If you have not booked a time please reach out to your daughter or sons homeroom teacher. Teachers are in the process of finalising the mid year reports.
Next Wednesday 19th June is School Photo Day. Your daughter or son should have brought home a photo envelope explaining the process. If you have not received this, please check their school bag or call the school if you have no success.
The days are getting colder so please encourage your children to wear and bring extra layers to school.