Home Economics 

with Ms Athiniotis



Upper Junior students learned how to make sausage rolls this week. They did a great job to carefully cut the onion, peel and grate the carrot and mix all the filling ingredients. Students individually worked on the sausage shape and rolled over the pastry to seal the filling then evenly cut the sausage roll pieces.

Sausage Rolls

Ingredients (what we need)     

I teaspoon oil                         1 onion, finely chopped

500g sausage mince              1 cup breadcrumbs     

1 good teaspoon of parsley or mixed herbs 

2 tablespoons tomato sauce      ¼ cup Worcestershire sauce

1 egg, lightly beaten                 1 medium carrot, grated

3 sheets ready rolled puff pastry, 

I extra beaten egg to brush over the rolls before cooking.

 Method (what we do)

  1. Preheat oven to 210º C. Line 2 large baking trays with baking paper. Thaw pastry. 
  2. Heat onion in pan and cook onion until it is soft and transparent and add carrot. In a bowl combine onion with minced meat, breadcrumbs, egg, herbs and sauces. Divide the mixture into 6.
  3. Lay a sheet of pastry on a flat surface. Cut sheet in half. Spoon the mince mixture down one long side of the pastry half. Shape the mince into a sausage shape.
  4. Brush the opposite long edge with egg mixture. Roll up pastry and finish with the side seam down.  Brush the roll with egg wash. Cut into 3 pieces. Place seam side down on tray, 2 cm apart.
  5.  Repeat process. Bake 10 minutes at 210 ºC minutes then reduce heat to 180 ºC and bake 15 minutes or until rolls are golden. 

       Let cool and eat with tomato sauce. Yum, oh yum!!