Career News 

Whats happening!

Head Start supports students to complete Year 12, while also learning real-life skills that employers need through an apprenticeship or traineeship. The program helps give students a valuable head start in their career.


Every young person is different. To give each student the best chance of success, Head Start Coordinators work closely with schools to create a flexible timetable and pathway that suits each individual student.



Naranga has three students currently enrolled in the HeadStart program. 


Celebrating Head Start student Teagan Meikle


Careers discussions with Teagan showed the Naranga teachers that Teagan had a keen interest  in the hospitality industry. In her year ten work experience program she was placed at Village Glen Aged Care.


Part of the experience required students to rotate through the many industries within an aged care facility and it was in the kitchen that Teagan discovered a possible career path. Over the next year Teagan went back to Village and worked in the kitchen to really get a feel if this was a pathway she wanted to explore. For Teagan and Village, it was a great fit as she continued to develop her skill and  impress her coworkers.


The Head Start team worked with Teagan and the Naranga team to connect Teagan in with Village to begin her traineeship in in the hospitality industry in February this year.. 


In Teagan’s own words, here’s a snapshot of how she’s going so far:

What’s your favourite thing about your work?

Serving food to the residents and connecting in with them. I really enjoy having a laugh with my colleagues in the kitchen.


What are some of the things you do during the day when you’re at work?

Serve clients, prepare food, do the dishes, and wipe down the benches


What new skills have you learnt?

To ask for help when I need it. I feel my communication with staff and clients it getting better.


What is the biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome? 

Learning that its ok to make mistakes and to try and not get too stressed about that.