Term 1 End of Term Award Winners

 Congratulations to the following award winners:

Junior Martin: Scarlett P - For being a safe, responsible, respectful learner who is always willing to try her best and have a go. Well done Scarlett!

Junior Nunal: Lucas Y - Lucas has been a very responsible learner who always does his tasks, helps his peers and helps his teachers in cleaning up and maintaining the classroom to keep it organized. He is also a good leader.

Junior Mason: Lebron N - Lebron, you have grown so much in your confidence and independence this term. You approach all learning tasks with enthusiasm and a smile. You should be very proud Lebron!

Junior Jackson: Dipika K - Dipika is a fun, friendly and respectful person in the classroom. She is getting better at following instructions and asking for help when needed. She always tries to present her work beautifully and carefully. Well done Dipika.

Junior Malcolm: Elijah H - For giving everything a go and being respectful and friendly to everyone at Naranga.

Junior Egan: Ben T - For always trying his hardest at learning tasks and showing improvement in his math skills.

Junior Spence: Cooper N - For an incredible to start to the year, demonstrating our school values inside and outside the classroom.

Junior Mcfaul: Maddison P - Maddison has shown fantastic growth this year. She puts in her best effort during class time, answering questions and completing tasks. Maddison consistently demonstrates our school values. She is a kind, helpful and positive student. Well done Maddison!

Junior Terri: Hayden R - For 110% effort, perseverance and persistence to learn, grow and achieve.

Junior Youl: Connor C - For being an active learner and consistently completing learning tasks as required.

Senior McNeil: Shay A - Shay has been a fantastic learner. She has shown her best efforts in class, She is a great contributor to class discussion and has particularly enjoyed writing activities. Well done, Shay!

Senior McCarthy: Matthew R - For being so hardworking and always helpful to other students in the classroom

Senior Waldron: Georgia Y - For stepping outside of her comfort zone and being an outstanding learner this term.

Senior Binyon: Sharnae J - For persistence with navigating friendships, commitment to her academic studies and her honesty when experiencing challenges.

Senior Palmer: Nevaeh H - Nevaeh has been working consistently well this term, She is always positive and friendly towards others. She is a joy to have in class.

Pathways McConnell: Ryan P - Ryan has made a fantastic transition to Pathways. He has adapted to all the changes and has thrived within the ASDAN program.

Pathways Harrison/Piasecki: Krystal O - For having a great start to her final year of school. She has worked hard in her electives. Well done Krystal.