Wellbeing and Inclusion at AHS & an invitati

Anna Naylor


Wellbeing and Inclusion Learning Specialist

Hello Auburn Community!


My name is Anna Naylor, and I am writing to you as the newly appointed Learning Specialist of Wellbeing and Inclusion. I have joined a fabulous team including Leah Rintoule, our Mental Health Coordinator, Claire Walker, our Mental Health Practitioner and Emily Dawson, our Secondary School Nurse. 


As you may already know, our new Strategic Plan at Auburn High School is prioritising and enhancing our whole school Wellbeing approach that can best support your child's mental and physical health. As such, these last eight weeks we have been developing the Seven Pillars of Wellbeing as an overarching narrative that we will explicitly teach to students in classrooms, deliver through external programs and emphasise in everyday interactions both at school and at home. 


We are looking to introduce these Pillars to all staff at the end of Term 2, and to all students throughout Semester 2. Before we launch, we would love to hear from you! Here is a link to a survey which showcases the Seven Pillars of Wellbeing and asks for some feedback. We would love to hear from you. 


I would also like to keep you informed about all the Wellbeing strategies we will be enhancing at Auburn High School. Therefore, the Wellbeing team intend to write here to keep the conversation going. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to email me! 




We look forward to hearing from you! 

Anna Naylor


Glen Iris Primary School has extended an invitation to Auburn High families to attend an online event featuring the renowned psychologist Dr. Michael Carr-Gregg next Monday night.  The presentation will provide practical, evidence-based skills and strategies to help our young people build wellbeing and resilience. 


I have had the pleasure to see Michael speak on school-refusal and resilience on multiple occasions and his knowledge and presentation skills are unmatched in engagement and ease of understanding. This is an opportunity I would encourage all parents take advantage of.


 Book here to get across the latest research and practice in raising happy and resilient children and teenagers.


Leah Rintoule

Student Wellbeing Coordinator

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