
Psychology Support

Seeking support from a psychologist can be great! Psychologists can help young people with a range of things such as understanding their feelings, navigating new situations, making friends, dealing with anxiety, and dealing with difficulties at home. Psychologists are there to provide a safe space to talk about whatever you would like to talk about. 


But don’t just take it from me, here is what some of our Naranga students have to say about what they like about seeing a psychologist:


“They help people when are not feeling okay”

“Always there to listen to you no matter what.” 

“A safe place.”

“I like when my psychologist gives me support, and cares about me, and helps me when I need it.”

“They are nice.”



You can seek psychology support by going to your GP and asking for a Mental Health Care Plan. Your GP will ask you some questions and may suggest a suitable psychologist. There may still be a fee that you have to pay even with a Mental Health Care Plan but you can talk to the individual psychology practice about this if you are having trouble paying, some psychologists can offer bulk-billing so that there are no additional fees. If you have an NDIS plan you may also be able to get psychology sessions through your plan, ask your NDIS coordinator or plan manager if you are unsure. 


FREE psychology sessions are available for young people between 12 – 25 years old at Headspace. The Headspace in Frankston is located at 62 Playne Street and you can call them on (03) 9769 6419 to make an appointment. You do not need an NDIS plan or a Mental Health Care Plan to access free sessions at Headspace. 





From your friendly neighbourhood Mental Health Practitioner/Psychologist (Georgia)!