
Mr Jason Lappin, Head of Sport

BAS Athletics

The St Patrick's College Athletics team participated at the BAS Athletics Carnival at Llanberris Reserve on Wednesday. As usual, our boys conducted themselves well and represented our College with distinction.

We were successful in winning the Junior and Senior aggregates and finished second in the Intermediate aggregate. We also won the overall boys' aggregate for the second consecutive year. Please find below a list of winners of some events:



Yr 7 Ollie RYAN

Yr 8 Ollie Burt

Yr 11 Cody Torney

Yr12 Archie Caldow


100m win sprint

Yr 7 Div B Joe Knobel

Yr 7 Div A Jack Ward

Yr 9 Div B Levi Hynes

Yr 9 Div A Xavier Cummins

Yr 12 Div A Fraser Stott


Yr 7 Long Jump

Joe Knobel 4:51


Shot put 

Yr7 Joe Knobel 14:51

Yr 8  Div B Te Nawai

Yr 12 Shot Put - Will Charles



Yr 7 200m Div B Hartley Bowes

Yr 7 200m Div A Jack Ward

Yr 8 200m Div B Alfie Carter

Yr 8 200m Div A Xavier Cummins

Yr 10 200m Div B Tyler Kelly

Yr 11 200m Div A Leroy Lyons

Yr 12 200m Div B Lachie Martin

Yr 7 200m Div A Fraser Stott


Long Jump

Yr 12  Div B Sam McDonald

Yr 12  Div A Ollie Hannaford

Yr 7 Joe Knobel 4:51



Yr7 Ollie Ryan

Yr 8 Ollie Burt

Yr 9 Mitch Korosec

Yr 11 Cody Torney

Yr 12 Archie Caldow



Yr 7 400m Div A- Ethan Mardling

Yr  12 400m Div A Lachie Martin


SPC won all 4x100m relays except for the Yr 11 where we finished 2nd. 

Swimming Nationals

St Patrick's College had five students compete in the Australian Open Age Swimming Championships, held on the Gold Coast from 17-20 April. Jack Lanyon (Year 11), Ed Meddings (Year 11), Tom Urquhart (Year 11), Blake Scott (Year 10) and Miller Stott (Year 10) swam extremely well, many competing in the Nationals for the first time and recording personal best times. 

Impressively, Ed has qualified for Australia's Olympic trials, swimming personal best times in the 100m breaststroke and 200m breaststroke. Congratulations to all five students involved. See below for all results.


Jack Lanyon 

50m Backstroke with a .34 PB

100m Backstroke

4x50 Individual Medley Relay

4x100 Individual Medley Relay with a 6.57 PB

4x50 Freestyle Relay


Ed Meddings 

4x50 Individual Medley Relay

4x100 Freestyle Relay

4x100 Individual Medley Relay with a 6.57 PB

50m Breaststroke 

100m Breaststroke - 6th with a .60 PB 

200m Breaststroke - 7th with a 2.55 PB 

50m Freestyle

50m Butterfly

100m Freestyle


Blake Scott 

100m Breaststroke

200m Breaststroke

200m Individual Medley

400m Individual Medley

4x50 Individual Medley Relay with a 1.38 PB


Miller Stott 

200m Backstroke

4x50 Individual Medley Relay with a 1.38 PB.


Tom Urquhart

50m Backstrok with a .32 PB

100m Backstroke with a .38 PB 

200m Backstroke with a 1.72 PB

200m Individual Medley with a 1.11 PB

200m Breaststroke - 7th with a 1.48 PB

4x50 Individual Medley Relay with a 1.70 PB


ACC Soccer

Round 1

For the first outing of this year’s ACC competition, the SPC First XI Soccer team faced St Mary’s College. This was an opponent of particular significance, as they’d bested our boys twice in last year’s campaign: 10-0 the first time, and 5-0 the second time in the semi-finals. 

Our boys approached the game with a point to prove, and prove it they did. A dominant performance in both halves saw a seven goal difference between the teams at its height. Josh Remington (new to the ACC squad) scored four, while Isaac Vanderkley and Manny Hontzogloy (both playing in the ACC comp for their second year) scored two goals and one goal, respectively. 

There was no shortage of ability across the pitch, with Rex Van Berkel leading the squad from the front as this year’s skipper. Zach Koleski and Liam McEldrew also had dominant performances at the centre of the backline. The final score was 7-2, with St Mary’s scoring two late goals which proved to be little more than consolation for what was otherwise all SPC's day. 

Overall a great start for this exciting squad — a squad which has ambitions to go deep in this year’s competition. 


Round 2

Round 2 saw the SPC First XI Soccer team travel away to Glen Iris to face one of last year’s strongest sides, De La Salle. Again this year they proved to be a tough opponent, especially at their home ground. 

The first half was a close affair, with both sides having decent chances to go ahead but narrowly missing the mark. Leonard Goodison was a constant threat down the left wing, and would continue this trend for the entire game. Charlie Horne was called to fill in the big shoes of Liam McEldrew at centre back after an early injury, and did so with aplomb. Eventually SPC broke through and Josh Remington scored just before half time for a narrow lead going into the break. 

The second half saw our boys break away, with Josh scoring a further two goals, and Isaac Vanderkley burying one as well to stump De La Salle’s chances of coming away with any points. Logan Koleski and Ryan Walker had exceptional games in the midfield, and apart from a late consolation goal for De La Salle, it was once again SPC’s day. Final score, 4-1.

Pietro Angeli, ACC 1st XI Coach

The Liam Duggan Academy

We have introduced an Australian Rules Football academy across both the Junior and Middle Schools of the College in Term Two of 2024. The academy is led by Brendan McCartney who is a highly credentialled AFL coach with experience coaching an AFL team (Western Bulldogs 2011-2015) and is currently the Assistant Coach at the Collingwood Football Club. He has 25+ years of coaching at AFL level. In addition to this, Brendan runs a junior football program in the Geelong region for elite athletes, where he utilises his skills as a trained school teacher with his love of football.

The academy involves 70 Year 7 and 8 students for the first five weeks of Term Two, with the addition of 70 Year 9 and 10 students over the last five weeks of term.

The academy is named after Liam Duggan who is the current Co-Captain of the West Coast Eagles. Liam is an outstanding young man who reflects the values of respect, honesty and integrity and is a very worthy Old Collegian to have an academy named in his honour.


Junior Football

Damascus College 11–8–74  def  SPC Green (Galvin) 4–1-25            

Goals: Patrick Grey 1, Oliver Ashmore 1, Kaianu Landt 1, Max Clohesy 1

Best players: Patrick Grey, Jackson Noonan, Quayde McKay, Zac Dyson, Max Clohesy


Round one of the BAS Junior football season saw SPC Green meet a team that proved to be too strong on the day. Welcoming in true football weather conditions, we played in fair and cold conditions at Damascus College. There was very little wind, and the sun produced perfect playing conditions. The playing surface was very good, and the recent rain was enough to freshen up the surface. This allowed the boys to display their full array of skills.

Although we were soundly beaten, our effort could not be questioned. I was pleasing to witness each player’s endeavour and pride in performance. Winning the one-on-one contests was challenging throughout the match as Damascus fielded a team which was an ‘all’ year 8 team I believe. Their strength in the pack and contested ball proved to be the difference after half time.

The score was 5 goals 5 points to 4 goals 1 point Damascus’ way at half time. They controlled more of the general play with many more forward 50 entries, but our blokes were very efficient when we went forward. The second half saw our lads overpowered by a more physically mature and experienced team.

Our captain Quayde McKay, Patrick Grey, Jackson Noonan, Max Clohesy and Zac Dyson gave the team great drive throughout the game with Jackson carrying the rucks for the whole match. The team displayed great endeavour, determination, and sportsmanship.

Also, congratulation to the lads who represented SPC for the first time. Welcome to the SPC football program.

A special mention to Will James for running the boundary. Thanks, on behalf of us all Will, your commitment to the program is outstanding. We now turn our attention to next week’s game as we aim to put more pressure on our opponents when they have possession of the ball. 

Mr Kent, SPC Green Junior Coach


Ballarat High School 6–8–44  def SPC Green 3–2–20

Goals:  Matteo Spurgo, Trinity Leyshan, Oliver Ashmore.

Best players: Max Clohesy, Paddy Grey, Max Blake, Trinity Leyshan, Zac Dyson, 


Round two of the BAS Junior football season saw SPC Green again meet a team that proved to be too strong on the day. The weather conditions were fair and cold again this week. Playing on the back oval at High school the slight wind didn’t have any real effect on general play.

The number of scoring shot by each side was a good indication of the afternoon’s proceedings. BHS handled the ball cleanly and maintained possession to great effect. For the first three quarters the opposition showed more vigour and won many more contests. Max Clohesy and Paddy Grey, our co captains in Quayde’s absence, repelled many attacks and were tireless throughout the match. At certain times, the team combined well to string together some nice passages of play.

Some notable performances included Max Blake assuming the ruck position as big Jackson Noonan was out, being both injured and ill. We wish Jackson well. Max showed great zeal in running on the ball for the entire match as did Trinity Leyshan as rover. Trinity often found his target and maintained possession of the ball. Zac Dyson was again thrown around the ground and is proving to be a versatile utility for us. Another significant factor was that we were without our skipper Quayde who unfortunately has a broken arm. We wish Quayde a speedy recovery. Archie Holloway and Lachy Simpson we also late withdrawals due to injury. Lachy came along and ‘took the flags’ for the day. Thanks Lachy, your gesture speaks volumes for your character.

We welcomed nine debutantes this week. It was great to see the lads don the great guernsey for the first time this year. Ryan Aggett, Noah Batchelor, Will James, Trinity Leyshan, Evan Milgate, Christian Palmbas, Abe Ronan, Paddy Sims and Matteo Spurgo all had their first run for the season. The run will do all the boys well in becoming accustomed to school footy and the SPC program. Congratulations boys.

 In summary, although we were soundly beaten, our last quarter was very pleasing. We started to win the ball more and maintain possession in combining as a team. I’m sure we improved as the game went on. If we take that for into next week’s game, we will become very competitive.

We now turn our attention to next week’s game as we aim to put more pressure on our opponents when they have possession. As well, we aim to maintain possession of the ball in hitting our targets. 

Yours in football,

Mr Kent, SPC Green Junior Coach


Ballarat Clarendon College Black 9–5-59 def SPC Blue 6–5–35

Goals: Riley Jew 1, Hamish Mulcahy 1, Tom Mason 1, Tadhg Lenaghan 1, Logan Vawdrey 1, Johnny Reus 1.

Best players: Logan Vawdrey, Patrick Ingram, Tadhg Lenaghan, Jackson Osbourne


SPC Blue took on our friends, BCC Black, from over Wanliss Road on a spectacular, sunny April afternoon. BCC Black made their way to our beautifully manicured Main Oval, with 16 players.

SPC Blue were in the fortunate position to have 24 players, and a few St Pat’s boys were happy to have a run for the BCC team to ensure both teams had their full complement of players and ensure maximum participation by all.

The first quarter started strong with Riley Jew opening the scoring with a blistering goal on the run. This was followed by two goals to BCC, both kicked by an SPC player whom we had leant to BCC for the quarter. BCC continued to be dominant across the middle of the ground but were held accountable by some ferocious tackling from the SPC Blue boys. Hamish Mulcahy kicked St Pat’s second goal for the quarter with just two minutes to play – and this was quickly followed by a third goal to BCC, this one kicked by an actual BCC player.

The start of the second quarter began with another goal to BCC by once again an SPC player. Johnny Reus was an absolute brick wall for SPC, laying many impressive tackles. This pressure in the middle of the ground allowed SPC to move the ball forward and allowed Tom Mason to kick an important goal. BCC kicked the next goal due to a goal assist by a borrowed SPC player. SPC were unable to take advantage of two key opportunities in their forward 50 but Tadhg Lenaghan kicked a late goal just before the siren.

After the half time break there was several minutes of hard-fought football, with the ball rarely leaving the middle of the ground. Logan Vawdrey was strong in defence when the ball did enter BCC’s forward 50, and Patrick Ingram used the ball well in the midfield. SPC were unlucky not to score, as a kick on goal just fell short, and BCC used this opportunity to go the length of ground and score another goal.

In the final quarter Logan Vawdrey kicked SPC’s first goal and Johnny Reus kicked another. Despite many valiant pushes into SPC’s forward line, BCC was again too strong.

In a match played in great spirts and good sportsmanship all SPC Blue players performed admirably.

SPC Blue played admirably but ended up going by 24 points to BCC Black.

Josh Morris, SPC Blue Junior Coach


SPC Junior Gold 6–11–47 def SPC Junior White 7–3–45

Gold Goals: Henry Hopkinson 2, Sasha Volz 1, Jed Ward 1, Harry Lis 1, Jed Gurnett 1.

Gold best players: Jed Gurnett, Archie Wilkie, Henry Hopkinson, Jack Ward, Will Richardson, Ollie Burt, and Jordan Korosec.

White Goals: Eddie Weyers, Jackson Kane, Will Taylor, Henry Williams, Griff Edwards

White best players: Jackson Kane, Nick Ward, Griff Edwards, Ryan Cook, Arch Bolt, Will Taylor, Cambell Bromley


Wednesday night saw the boys play their fist game of the Year 7/8 Football Program. It was SPC Gold matched up against SPC White. After a close and tight battle for the first 3 quarters, which wasn’t helped by the blustery conditions and small oval, the SPC Gold boys were able to produce a solid team performance against a very competitive and dogged SPC White outfit. Gold were able to gradually draw away from a very tough and skilful SPC White team in the last quarter to get over the line with some excellent passages of play by the boys, especially in the 2nd half of the last quarter. Gold was able to keep up the pressure throughout, thanks to the great ball movement initiated by the engine room of Jed Gurnett, Archie Wilkie, Harry Lis, Henry Hopkinson, Jack Ward, Vin Foley and Jordan Korosec. For SPC White, it was a strong team performance – they were unlucky not to come away victorious. Although there were 24 solid contributors, special mentions go to Jackson Kane, Nick Ward, Griff Edwards, Ryan Cook, Arch Bolt, Will Taylor and Campbell Bromley. Jack demonstrated his athleticism when playing in the ruck and gave the midfielders first use, Nick highlighted his versatility playing in key positions where the team needed him most, Griff and Cooky were classy in the midfield, Arch was a strong target to kick to in the forward line, Will was dangerous around goals and Campbell’s skills were on show for everyone to see – they were impressive.Congratulations to all the boys from both teams who played the game in a great spirit and were very respectful to each other and the umpire – well done boys! It has been a great start to our season, and it is a privilege to work with such caring, talented, and hard-working young men from both teams. The future of St Pat's football is in great hands if Wednesday’s game is any indication. 

Mr Mark Stahl, SPC Gold Coach                                                 

Tom Nash, SPC White Coach


SPC Junior Gold 6–7–43 def Damascus College 4–3–27

Goals: Archie Wilkie 2, Greg Bush 2, Ben Buckland 2.

Best players: Vincent Foley, Archie Wilkie, Ben Buckland, Henry Hopkinson, Gregory Bush, Ollie Burt, Liam O’Keeffe, Nash Stowe.


The SPC Junior Gold squad took the field against a much larger Damascus College outfit in a round 2 clash at home. Our fearless captain for the day, Vincent Foley, won the toss and elected to kick with the wind in the opening quarter of action. Some late outs within the lineup saw Jinup Lual and Gregory Bush stepping up to the plate to add some class to our forward line. From the opening bounce Archie Wilkie showed some dominance, winning the ruck contest before launching a shot on goal from outside 50 that snuck in to give the SPC Gold squad some early momentum. The ball was locked in SPC Gold’s forward half for majority of the quarter with some expert crumbing from Gregory Bush resulting in 2 opening quarter goals. Despite a late goal from Damascus, it was SPC Gold who led at the quarter time break by 14 points. Some expert leadership from Henry Hopkinson identified the impact of the wind and importance to quell Damascus’ attack in the second quarter. SPC Gold’s defence kept Damascus to only one goal despite dealing with a flurry of inside 50s coming their way. Some late silky work by Ben Buckland saw SPC Gold holding on to a 13-point lead at halftime. The third quarter saw SPC Gold showing some superiority but struggling to convert on the scoreboard. It was Archie Wilkie again who stepped up and used the wind to his advantage, guiding a set shot home from 40 out. Damascus did not shy away however, with SPC Gold up by 15 points at the final change with Damascus kicking with the wind. Vincent Foley made the move to CHB for the final quarter in the hope to add some leadership and composure alongside Oscar Romeril and Ollie Burt. The boys played the last quarter tremendously, outscoring Damascus in the final quarter by a point in a hard-fought contest that saw SPC Gold winning by 16 points over Damascus College.

Kris Stevens, SPC Junior Gold interim coach

Intermediate Football

Damascus College 13–6–86 def SPC Intermediate Gold  6–4–40 

Goals: Max Hennesy 2, Max Kinniburgh, Noah Buttler, Ollie Daykin, Jaksen Freeman 1

Best players: Jaksen Freeman, Noah Lavery, James Lewis, Ollie Daykin, Max Kinniburgh, Finley Dalziel, Noah Buttler, Max Hennesey


Tuesday night saw the opening round of intermediate football for St Pat's and there was talent and potential on full display. In a match-up against a strong Damascus College side, SPC Gold made the trip down to less than desirable ground conditions. The opening term saw an absolute Ruck masterclass between both Noah Lavery and James Lewis respectively- a common theme throughout the matches entirety. The game was a close one, scores within two goals of each other at the end of the first, thanks to contributions from the boys, such as Shaun Rogers playing as a key swingman and run provided from the wings. The second quarter went much the same, DMAC just leading on the scoreboard, and the likes of Ollie Daykin, Finley Dalziel and Noah Buttler showcasing their abilities to work hard across the ground. Unfortunately, during the second half the game began to slip away, and the boys were simply outplayed by a very well-equipped Damascus outfit. The third quarter saw Max Kinniburgh push down back and be an absolute general in holding down our backline- stopping many sure goals. The midfield unit for SPC gold worked hard, providing many opportunities and keeping the game alive as best they could. unfortunately, just being unable to capitalize on lose balls and convert- the Damascus boys found space and the goals started piling on, with an eventual runaway, the game seeing SPC gold go down by 46, however the scoreboard would not reflect the effort and the game felt much closer than the final result. 

Mr Rhys Grace & Mr Cameron Veal, SPC Gold Intermediate Coaches


SPC Intermediate Gold: 10–7–67 def Ballarat Grammar Blue: 5–1–31

Goals: Noah Lavery 2, Tate Koleski 2, Max Kinniburgh 2, Liam McCormack, Jaksen Freeman, Noah Buttler, J. Elliot  1

Best players: Jaksen Freeman, Hudson Hobbs, Ollie Daykin, Tate Koleski, Miller Vaughan, Max Kinniburgh, Mac Lewis, Max Hennessy, Marc Tedcastle

A massive turnaround in this week’s match against Grammar’s blue side compared to last week’s efforts against Damascus. In a Gold team that had many late outs- SPC played with much bravado and energy to join the winners list in Round 2. Travelling away yet again, the boys made a trip up to a less than desirable ground on Tuesday's cold afternoon. The game was off to a quick and rocky start, with scores just about neck and neck at the finish of the first. During this term, those watching were given first- class tickets the Jaksen Freeman masterclass once again, with an absolute dominant display- a common theme throughout the entire match. Hudson Hobbs was an inclusion in this weeks side, and did not waste his opportunity- quickly making his presence known in both the ruck and in a key forward position. It was in the second quarter after a rev-up and now kicking with the wind that the boys really turned the afterburners on and started to pull the game away. We saw players on the wings like Jenson Elliot, Fred Foley, Lochie Torpey showcase their speed and begin moving the ball forward. This week we had players up forward making a heavy impression, leaving the grammar boys at the bottom of a pack mark- Tate Koleski and Liam McCormack- a late call up, just absolutely threw their bodies at the contest and crashed packs hard- leaving our side to capitalise at every opportunity. A massive tackle from the former led to the play of the game- a huge chase down by Tate to slot a certain major. 

The third quarter was much the same; an absolute slaughter on the field, with a very physical game stirring. Max Kinniburgh and Hennesy showed their strength and began laying hard bumps and tackles. Marc Tedcastle showed his ability to run fast and crumb. The fourth quarter really showed the impact we had over the ground. Koby Learmonth demonstrated his hard running both ways, Finley Dalziel once again proved just how efficient he can be with the ball in his hands, making the most of every opportunity he got- and the contributions of big Noah Lavery and his capitalisations really came through for us. The scoreboard definitely does not display the dominance shown on the ground by the Gold boys- and every single player earnt their minutes and contributed to an absolutely fantastic win. 

Mr Rhys Grace & Mr Cameron Veal, SPC Gold Intermediate Coaches


SPC BLUE 9–9–63 def Ballarat Grammar 3–3–21

Goals: Jock McDougall 2, Xavier Johnston 2, Ruot Lual 1, Riley Cook 1, Joseph Wesley 1, Josh Mulat 1, Brendan Lee 1.

Best players: Harrison Scardamaglia, Ryder O’Brien, Ruot Lual, Jock McDougall, Xavier Johnston, Henry Liston, Sam Anderson, Joseph Wesley.

The SPC Blue squad travelled over to Ballarat Grammar on Tuesday afternoon for their maiden match within the BAS Intermediate competition. Some late unavailability due to injury caused a shake up to the line up with Tom Bolger stepping up with only an hours’ notice. The boys received an early rev-up upon their arrival and were all raring to take charge in this match from the opening siren. Joey Wesley, our spirited captain for the day, elected to kick with the wind in the opening quarter. wind Ruot Lual set the tone early, dominating in the ruck to give our midfield the finest ball use possible. After a couple of early behinds, it was a mark on the boundary, followed by an electric set shot from Jock McDougall that got the boys up and about. Scars, Liston, Scars, Liston – the clinical handball chains through the middle were instrumental in giving our hard-working forward line plenty of opportunities. BJ Lee moving at light speed through Grammar’s midfield, and Riley Cook’s bomb from outside 50, were some of the moments that got us to a comfortable margin at quarter time. From there, the wind assisted a valiant fight back from Ballarat Grammar, forcing the fellas down back, led by the ‘general’ Sam Anderson, to lock down. Ruot provided a steadier to put SPC Blue up by 15 points at the halfway mark. A half time rev up by Scars and Joey gave the boys the drive to close out the game with confidence and composure. Jock McDougall and Xavier Johnston made good on the team’s early dominance in the third, slotting both of their 2nd goals to extend the margin at 3 Quarter time. The boys were up and about to close the third but were prepared for a fight back from Grammar who had the advantage going into the last quarter. Some movement in the magnets saw a shake up to our team’s defence in an attempt to nullify Grammar’s attack. Jock, Scars, O’Brien, and Anderson provided poise and leadership in the backline, holding Grammar to merely 1 point in the final quarter. The backline dominance paved the way for the forwards to have more opportunities to capitalise upon. A captain’s goal by Joey Wesley was a highlight of the final quarter and it ensured that we ran out comfortable victors by 42 points.  

Patrick Rush/Kristopher Stevens, SPC Blue Intermediate Coaches        


Ballarat Clarendon College 6–8–44 def SPC Blue 5–10–40

Goals: Jock McDougall 2, Rout Lual 1, Tyson Walsh 1, Noah Britton 1

Best players: Tyson Walsh, Ryder O’Brien, Sam Anderson, Jordan Atkinson, Henry Liston, Jock McDougal, Brendan Lee, Riley Cook


In a closely contested match that had spectators on the edge of their seats, SPC Blue and BCC clashed in a gritty showdown at Hill Oval. Despite falling short by a mere four points, SPC Blue's performance left fans optimistic for the rest of the season.

SPC Blue's forwards showcased their prowess with impressive marks, most notably Rout and Louie, who proved to be solid targets for all inboard kicks.

Tyson Walsh looked electric all game, dominating in all areas he worked hard to get to. His presence on the field was felt by both teammates and opponents alike. Sam Anderson, as usual, provided stalwart leadership in the backline, keeping the team in contention until the final moments.

Jordan Atkinson's gritty style of play added a spark to SPC Blue's backline, with BJ Lee retaining his pace through the midfield. Lee's relentless energy kept BCC’s defence on their toes, creating space for SPC Blue's tall men to take charge in the forward line. 

Unfortunately, Ollie Beherns' heroics resulted in an injury forcing him out of the game. Our lack of replacements for Ollie presented a challenge for SPC Blue to overcome, as he was a massive influence on the wing, moving the ball beautifully. Despite this setback and facing a depleted bench in the final quarter, the team fought valiantly until the very end.

As the final siren sounded, SPC Blue may have fallen short on the scoreboard, but their resilience and determination hinted at future triumphs. Joey Wesley's never-say-die attitude throughout the match was a true display of leadership, inspiring his teammates to keep fighting until the final moments.

The team owes a massive thank you a couple legends, Charlie Geddes and Archie Svanosio, who tirelessly sought to keep the team motivated, and supported those with injuries. Their efforts did their team and the college proud.

Though defeated on this occasion, the spirit of SPC Blue remains unbroken, leaving the fellas eagerly anticipating their next opportunity to shine next week against Damascus.

Patrick Rush/Kristopher Stevens, SPC Blue Intermediate Coaches                        


SPC Green 11–16–82 def BCC 8–3–51

Goals: Will Palmer 3, Riley Seden Kurnoth 2, Riley Simpson 1, Lachlan Petrie 2, and Jack Manley 2, Juraiya Calma Long 1

Best players: Juraiya Calma Long, Kaii Watkins, Nash Cleary, Jack Manely, Sonni Te Moananui and Will Palmer. 


Thirty plus Ballarat Clarendon College students showed up to face SPC Green on Hill oval for Round 1 of the BAS intermediate football season. The weather providing windy conditions for football to start the season off. With the wind against us in the first quarter, this made an unconfirming start with BCC looking both tall and powerful for the first quarter.  The first quarter finishing 15 SPC to 19 BCC. Nash and Sonni's first quarters on the wing were nothing short of spectacular and limited BCC domination.  Kaii's intercept marking and second efforts insured that we broke even in the first quarter. 

Credit to some impressive midfield work from Kaii Watkins, Nash Cleary, Sonni Te Moananui and Lachlan Petrie we had strong possession of the ball for the second quarter. Whilst the wind was in our favour, our composure faulted for our accuracy of goals, kicking a whopping 8 points in the second quarter. 

Third quarter, College made the most of the chances in-front of goals, piling on 4 consecutive goals. Boys responded well with Will Palmer kicking an important goal in the late quarter, to give us a 3-point lead going into the last quarter. Frank with the busted shoulder, Jed and Ethan were solid defence down back, limiting Clarendons potential advantage with the wind. 

Fourth quarter was party city, with the boys kicking 5 goals and absolutely dominating the ball, not giving Clarendon a sniff. Juraiya took the absolutely micky, running the ball from one end to the other all by himself. Lachie Petrie snags two late goals to seal the deal. 

Rylee Booth and Matt Spratling, SPC Green Intermediate Coaches


Damascus College 19–5–119 def SPC Green 1–4–10 

Goals: Lachlan Petrie 

Best players: Lachlan Petrie, Jack Manley, Hunter Knight & Sonni Te Moananui 


With a few late outs and two no shows before we had left, the bus ride was nerve racking and frantic. We arrived at Damacus later than expected and had minimal time to warm up. This caused some confusion for our players, who the proceeded to start the match in the wrong position. 


The first quarter was rough with Damascus having a strong wind behind them and a few key players that were expectational with their intercept marking and accuracy. With five goals kicked in the first quarter against us, this caused us to drop our heads early. 


For the duration of the game, Damascus had more numbers to the contest and moved the ball cleaner than our boys and converted in front of goal. However, Lachie Petrie was a highlight from this match, not giving up or lacking energy. He was able to get the ball forward to provide us an opportunity to score, delivered strong tackles and was a part of nearly every contest on the ground. Ethan Walters led the backline well, with the constant inside 50s that we had to defend, and never gave up in his effort.


Hunter Knight & Sonni Te Moananui keep trying hard all game, and in the final quarter we managed to neutralise the quarter and limit their team from scoring three goals. Our accuracy restricted us from putting goals on the board with four points scored by SPC Green forwards. A much-improved last quarter against some good opposition which we can use as momentum in returning home for our next two matches. Not an ideal match played, but the boys learnt plenty and gave their all. We are keen to get back into it next week! 

Rylee Booth and Matt Spratling, SPC Green Intermediate Coaches

Senior Football: BAS 2nd XVIII

Damascus College 10–9–69 def St Patrick’s College Blue 4–9–33 

Goals: Guy Namtho, Harry Carrol, Max Treweek, Thomas Stute

Best players: Jack Cleary, Ted Farrel, Rhys Younger and Zavier Nunn. 


In the first round of the 2024 BAS 2nd XVIII competition, SPC Blue faced off against Damascus College on a typical autumn evening on Main Oval. The opening quarter was a tight affair, with both sides recording 2.2. Ted Farrell made his mark on the match early, with repeated contested ball wins. Jack Cleary capitalised on the space he was given on the wing to get plenty of the ball early on. Unfortunately, the second and third quarters were a different story. SPC Blue were unable to convert any of their chances, meanwhile Damascus slotted in 7 goals in the same period. Strong defensive efforts by Zavier Nunn and Will Charles were appreciated. Rhys Younger came alive in the second half, when several 1% efforts and crucial tackles. SPC Blue attempted to make a comeback in the last quarter with Max Treweek and Patrick Stute combining with a goal each.

The SPC Blue boys played the match in a spirit of excellence and camaraderie, and congratulations are due to all involved.

Matt Miller, SPC Blue 2nd XVIII Coach


SPC White (Year 10)   14–11–96 def BCC 1–3–9

Goals: Riley Hiscock 3, Zavier Thomas 3, Ned Charleson 2, Billy Darbin 1, Will Sheehan 1, Tyler Kelly 1, Charlie Barrance 1, Lachie Huebner 1, Oliver Potter 1.

Best players: Riley Hiscock, Aidan McGuigan, Lachie Huebner, Finn Russell, Archie Todd and Tyler Kelly.


SPC White’s first hit out for the year came against local rival Ballarat Clarendon College, across Wanliss St on their home turf. It saw a highly touted group of Year 9 & 10 students come together for the first time. Aidan McGuigan was given the captains armband for Match Day 1 and lead the troops from the front, winning the toss and questionably kicking into a deceptive breeze.

From the first bounce, it was evident that Finn Russell was going to be giving the midfielders first use throughout the game. Finn showcased his size, jump and ruck craft winning hit out after hit out, often to advantage. Despite the clear advantage in the middle of the ground, it took the most part of the first quarter for SPC to find their groove and gel with their new teammates. Inaccuracy in front of goal also posed a challenge, heading into quarter time with a 13-point lead.

The dominance of the midfield battle was well on display in the second quarter. The ball lived in the SPC forward half thanks to some brilliant displays of pressure from the small forwards. Tyler Kelly made his presence felt constantly attacking the ball hard and applying crucial forward half tackles. Despite the dominance inaccuracy in front of goal meant that the margin was only extended by 24 points (3 goals 6 behinds).

The third quarter began with the perfect team goal, with Finn palming the ball down to McGuigan and a string of handballs ending with Hiscock streaming out of the centre square kicking a goal from 50m out. This was one of 3 goals from the midfielder who seemingly was playing with his own football out there. It was the start of a great quarter which saw the lead extended beyond doubt.

The fourth quarter saw some opportunities offered as the magnets were thrown around. Charlie Barrance managed to kick a major after playing very well across the back half. Lachie Huebner got the reward on the scoreboard after showcasing his brilliance across half back throughout majority of the match. Archie Todd played a key role across the wings, displaying composure with ball in hand. His ability to find space and efficiency by foot opened the ground up throughout the match, providing better forward 50 entries.

As the final siren sounded, SPC celebrated a well-deserved victory, knowing that contributions came from all in the green, white, and blue on the day. It was a display of real team first football, showcased by nine individual goal scorers. A real joy to watch.

Sam Cue & Carly Twaits, SPC White Year 10 2nd XVIII Coach


Damascus 9–12–66 def SPC White 6–8–44 

Goals: Billy Darbin 1, Cooper Beseler 1, TJ Worthy 1, Finn Russell 1, Oliver Potter 1 and Lachie Huebner 1.

Best players: Lachie Huebner, Ned Charleson, Kai Watkins, Oliver Potter, Hunter Vansomeron


Tuesday night SPC White welcomed Damascus College to Main Oval. From the outset it was clear that the SPC boys were undersized against an older and physically bigger opposition. With a new captain, Riley Hiscock, taking the reins, the toss was lost and we found ourselves kicking into a stiff breeze. 

Damascus certainly had the upper hand throughout the first quarter however didn’t quite manage to hit the scoreboard as they’d have hoped, kicking 3 goals and 5 behinds. Making the most of limited inside 50s SPC White managed to head into the first break with the one major only 15 points behind.

With the wind at their backs the boys in white were encouraged to use their leg speed, get the ball on the outside and deep into their forward 50. It was again a hard fought quarter and SPC headed into the break winning the quarter, but 11 points down.

The main break gave the boys an opportunity to regain some thought, catch their breathe and prepare for a super defensive effort. It was always going to be tough holding out a strong opposition with a strong breeze going against them. The opportunity to create repeat stoppages and hold up the play as much as possible was encouraged. It was a great effort, losing the quarter by just the one behind and heading into the final quarter only two goals adrift.

Unfortunately, some inaccuracy in the last quarter may have ended up costing the game, kicking 1 goal 3 to 3 goals 1 in the final quarter and going down by 22 points in the end.

Overall, it was a great opportunity and learning curve for the younger SPC side. The likes of Lachie Huebner was superb all afternoon across half back, sneaking forward in the last to kick a long range goal. The inclusion of Kai Watkins was appreciated, with his toughness and hardness at the contest not going unnoticed, very similar to the game of Ned Charleson who fought hard through the midfield all game. Oliver Potter was strong through the wings and Hunter Vansomeron played with his heart on his sleeve, getting opportunities through the midfield and down back to play a role.

Although a loss on the scoreboard, there was plenty to gain from the experience and we look forward to coming up against them later in the term.

Sam Cue & Carly Twaits, SPC White Year 10 2nd XVIII Coach


Ballarat Clarendon College 12–7–79 def SPC 5–7–37

Goals: Jack Jarvis 2, Jacob Vereker 2, Tristan Leyshan 1

Best players: Kade Hilton, Baxter Horsburgh, Eli Holloway, Jack Jarvis, Hunter Tudball Tristan Leyshan 


The BAS Frist XVIII season commenced on Thursday, 25 April.  After some scheduling issues, it was agreed that the game would be played on the Ballarat College Main Oval.

The St Pat's boys were keen to do well in this clash of traditional rivals, but at the end of the first quarter the fast Ballarat College team had managed to kick four goals four behinds to hold the St Pat's team scoreless. 

The second quarter was improvement with the Paddy boys opening their scoring account adding three goals through Tristan Leyshan, Jack Jarvis and Jacob Vereker.

The second half didn't see a great deal of improvement from the St Patrick's team, with the Ballarat College boys playing the small ground with greater determination. The St Pat's outfit seemed to get sucked into contested situations leaving their College opponent unattended enabling them to get the football out to a loose player and then transition into easy scoring opportunities.

In coming rounds, the St Patrick's boys will need to work on the defensive side their game as the Ballarat College boys exposed some deficiencies in this area.

Some positives for the day included the superb four quarters of football played by Kade Hilton in the mid-field. Kade was ably supported by Baxter Horsburgh who also played in the midfield, but he was equally effective in either attack or defence. Tristan Leyshan was able to use his speed and skill on the wing. Eli Holloway was able to play at both ends of the ground and was involved in the play of the day transitioning from defence with a run of 60 metres, delivering the ball into the forward 50 resulting in a goal. Jack  Jarvis was excellent across the half back line and later up forward, finishing with two goals. Hunter Tudball had the difficult task of rucking for the bulk of the game against much larger opponents.

John Richards, BAS 1st XVIII Coach


St Patrick’s College 13–13–9 def BHS 1–3–9

Goals: Jacob Vereker 2, Kade Hilton 2, Riley Westlake 2, Dylan Hiscock 1, Seb O’Sullivan 1, Jack O’Donohue 1, Tashaun Wright 1, Occy Croker 1, Paddy Mihaljevic 1, Hunter Tudbull 1.

Best players: Jackson Penny, Tashaun Wright, Occy Croker, Zac Evans, Cooper Battye

Paddy Mihaljevic


In a super exhibition of football dominance and skill, the SPC 1stXVIII Football Team routed BHS with a staggering final score of 13.13.91 to 1.3.9. 

High School came out firing, kicking the first goal of the game with the aid of a 1-2 goal breeze. The early stages would prove difficult for the Paddy Boys kicking into the breeze, but we withstood the early onslaught to end up outscoring High School 3.3.21 to 1.1.7.  Early contributors were Occy Croker, Kade Hilton, Archie Eichler, Jackson Penny and Brendan Monoghan.

The 2nd quarter saw reward for effort for the Paddy Boys. We kicked 4.3.27 to 0 – a complete defensive shutout driven by Seb O’Sullivan, Eli Holloway, Paddy Mihaljevic, and Zac Dransman. This contributed to us keeping them to zero score for the quarter. Other defenders like Zac Evans and Jack O’Donohue were instrumental in driving us forward and giving us the chance to put the seven scoring shots on the board.

At half time we made some changes with our forwards going into defence and defenders going forward. These changes were made to give everyone a go, but to also look at players for our ACC team and to see if they might be capable of playing in a position that is different to what they would normally play. Apart from some indifferent goal kicking (we kicked 2.5.17 – 0). This was again a great defensive result. Hunter Tudball, Tristan Leyshan, Jackson Penny, Armi Wakefield and Cooper Battye gave us great offensive effort from the midfield, especially post stoppage where they challenged well offensively. 

The final Quarter saw somewhat of a ‘party time’ for the Paddy Boys, and we piled on 4.2.26 – 0.2.2. The likes of Zac Evans, Armi Wakefield, Kade Hilton, Jackson Penny, Tashaun Wright and Occy Croker gave our forward line repeat forward 50 entries which overpowered the opposition on the scoreboard.

Jason Lappin, Replacement 1st XVIII BAS Coach


St Patrick’s College 8–7–55 def St Joseph’s College 5–9–39

Goals: Strahan Robinson 4, Harvey Lewis 1, Fraser Molan 1, Occy Croker 1, Mitch Lloyd 1.

Best players: Strahan Robinson, Ned Renfree, Mitch Lloyd, Lachie Martin, Lachie Pritchard, Sam Janetzki.


Our 1st XVIII football team kicked off their second season in the prestigious ACC competition with a solid 16 point win over arch rivals St Joseph’s College, Geelong. 

There was a breeze going to St Joseph’s end for the first term, which was a 1-2 goals advantage. The game started poorly for the Paddy boys with Joey's winning contested possession and peppering the goals. We were lucky to not be three goals down after just five minutes of game time. Thankfully we had Mitch Lloyd in defence. The joint captain thwarted numerous early forays, regularly winning 1:1s. In fact it was Mitch Lloyd that  kicked our first goal on the back of a huge tackle from Hamish McNamara. The momentum had changed and we went into quarter time with an eight point deficit.


The game was very competitive at the start of the second quarter with neither side hitting the scoreboard for the first six minutes. After several forward half turnovers Sam McDonald pinpointed Strahan Robinson on the back of one of these for our second major. After being mostly outplayed up until this point, Strahan’s goal put us to within two points. Our third goal again came from a turnover in our forward half, this time Sam Janetski (who was excellent as a high defender all game) left his man to intercept. His resulting kick inside 50 missed its target, but first gamer Octavious (Occy) Croker from Kununurra was too quick for his direct opponent and ran into an open goal. St Pat's kicked one more point for the quarter, but pleasingly we were able to keep Joey’s to one solitary point for the term. We went into the break with some confidence and momentum. Half time scores: SPC 3.3.21 to SJC 2.6.18. 


St Joey's opened the second half full of running and had their first major on the board inside three minutes. A quick snap from a contest put them back in front by three points. Three minutes later SJC had another major after some slick ball movement through the corridor caught our defenders napping. We bounced back with a very valuable goal into the breeze thanks to a great tap from Lachie Martin (who rucked tirelessly for almost the entire game) to Ned Renfree who cleared the ball to Strahan Robinson. His kick inside 50 hit the ground where Occy Croker mopped it up and handballed to Harvey Lewis who kicked truly from close range (Harvey was also making his debut for the Paddy boys). Strahan Robinson goaled again with about a minute left in the term and SPC had the lead back. We would take this lead by three points at the three quarter time break.


With the aid of the slight breeze the Paddy boys would go into the final quarter full of confidence. Inside two minutes a quick snap from Sam McDonald dropped short, where big Strahnie out-bodied his man to mark at point blank range and give us a nine point advantage. The next 10 min of the quarter was an arm wrestle with neither team wanting to give an inch. The Paddy boys however played a smart quarter, maintaining possession and creating stoppages to chew up valuable minutes. Both teams fought it out right until the end, with the midfield of Lachie Martin (ruck) Ned Renfree (who was also captain), Nedd Bennett, Fraser Molan (second half), Lincoln Koliba (first half), Tom Conlan and Wingers Lachie Pritchard, Dean Harten and Harvey Lewis having a slight edge over our rivals. Additionally, Robinson was clearly the best forward on the ground and looked unstoppable 1:1, while Lloyd was arguably the best defender. He and the rest of the back six (Sam Janetzki, Paddy O’Brien, Archie Caldow, Will Stevens, Taj Bowman), were responsible for keeping SJC to 0 goals into the breeze for the game. The win was a great way to start our season. 

Jason Lappin, SPC ACC 1st XVIII Coach


The best form of communication we have with parent/guardians is via the Parent Access Module (PAM). Students require permission to participate in all sport. Parent/guardians will receive the information through a PAM activity permission. Please ensure that you read the information prior to giving permission and that you also talk to students about the information. 


The daily messages are one of the best ways we can distribute information to students about sports that are on offer and where sign up meetings will be held. Students should check the daily messages regularly.


Once students have signed up for a sport, we will be adding them into a MS Teams group where they can communicate directly with their coach. Students must communicate with their coach if they are unavailable for a match so we can find a replacement to ensure we have a full team for each match.


If students are unsure of how to sign up for a sport or want more information, they can visit sports staff in the gymnasium. 

SPC Sport Uniform

All sport uniforms can be purchased at the College Shop. Students need to ensure they are in the correct uniform to participate. The general sport uniform is the navy blue polo top, navy shorts and white socks. Certain sports will require very specific clothing. For example, the 1st XI cricketers require SPC Whites, SPC cricket shirt and SPC cricket cap. Students should check with their coach as to what is required. Also, remember to wear sunscreen at all times.


I wish all students and coaches the best in 2024. Always play the game in the right spirit, wear the correct uniform and respect the facilities, home and away. St Patrick’s College is steeped in rich sporting tradition, and you are encouraged to add more chapters to our past endeavours. 


I would like to thank all of the staff at St Patricks that support the Sport Program, it truly is amazing the amount of sporting opportunities that we provide for our students. This is a great school with an incredible history.


Please do not hesitate to contact me ( or our Sports Administrator Mr Simon Dwyer ( at the College with any questions.