Science at Naranga



Before the term break we again worked with bi-carbonate of soda and vinegar to make carbon dioxide bubbles and reactions that were really exciting.


In the very young classes Kirralee created “Fizzy Eggs” leading into Easter.


Kirralee and Garry created erupting volcanoes with the older students.  For the volcanoes we used the play doh we created previously, or made volcano mountains using paper cut-outs to surround the cups containing our vinegar and bi-carb.  We added dish-washing liquid to the mixture to make things extra bubbly and put in a dash of food colouring (mostly red, but some chose other colours) which added to the excitement.  When the vinegar was finally added to the bi-carb and water in the ‘volcano’, the result was a foamy, sudsy, colourful overflow of ‘lava’ into the trays we were using to protect the furniture. 






With the colder weather on the way students have been learning about the weather changes. Junior students have been investigating different types of weather and senior students have been learning about the water cycle and rain clouds. This week students participated in an experiment to create their own rain clouds. 


Great fun, and learning a little bit along the way!