Principal's Message

If a picture is worth 1000 words, it would take a lot of space to describe the great things that have been happening at Ben Venue in the past fortnight. The images below capture just some of the physical, intellectual and service activities our students have been involved in over the past two weeks.
Upcoming events
Don't forget to check the calendar section of this newsletter for upcoming events, including a crazy sock and hair day fundraiser for the Opera House Choir, the 3-6 athletics, NAIDOC Week and the Northern Tablelands State by-election on 22 June, for which Ben Venue is a polling station.
High prevalence of illness
Please check the COVID-19 and other health updates section of this newsletter.
P&C Cookbook
Our dedicated P&C does a lot to support our students, staff and families. Currently, our P&C is working on the development of a Ben Venue cookbook, both as a fundraiser and a special keepsake for Ben Venue families. The cookbook aims to build on the success of our biennial P&C Multicultural Street Food Festival. Please check the P&C section of this newsletter for further information, and an opportunity to contribute a recipe.
Changes to our communication platforms
(Repetition of information in our last newsletter.)
To improve our systems for communication with families, we have been developing our use of School Bytes. The School Bytes Parent Portal now contains the following information and services:
- Quick and easy digital permission for school activities
- Online payment portal
- Academic reports from Semester 1, 2024
- Attendance records and the ability for families to explain absences online
- School newsletters
- Digital alerts and reminders for families
With the following features coming soon:
- Individual student support plans
- School calendar
To avoid duplication of information and to more effectively utilise school funds, School Stream will no longer be used by Ben Venue from the end of this term. The notifications that previously were distributed through School Stream will now be provided through School Bytes.
It is therefore important that all families have access to the School Bytes Parent Portal and app. If you have not already, please download the free School Bytes app in the coming weeks. By using this app, you will be informed of critical information.
Click here for a guide on how to set up your parent account and link your children
To download the app, search for ‘School Bytes’ in your app store, or use these direct links for Apple or Android phones.
Data collection on communication & recognition of achievement
(This information has appeared in the past three newsletters.)
Having implemented our new approach to recognition and awards for over a year, now is a good time to check in on the perceptions of our community. More information and a greater response rate from our community is required to help us evaluate our approach and inform our next steps. Often the feedback we receive is from a minority with strong beliefs in either direction, and we miss the opportunity to develop an understanding of the average perception and opinion. The more representative the data we can collect, the more our decisions as a school will meet the needs of all our families. I ask everyone reading this newsletter to please complete a 2-5 minute survey on experience with, and perceptions of Ben Venue's approach to recognition of student effort and achievement.
This survey will remain open until the end of Term 2. Results will be shared only if the minimum response rate is achieved.
Cam Pryce