COVID-19 & other health updates

Please read the information below, provided by Lisa Ramsland, General Manager of Armidale Rural Referral Hospital:
As expected at this time of year, there are respiratory illnesses circulating in our community. We are aware that health care professional access is in high demand and want to take the opportunity to share the health care options available, in addition to the local Emergency Department.
Healthdirect is a convenient, user-friendly service which also now provides virtual care for children 16 years and under who meet specific triage criteria, without leaving home. Call Healthdirect on (1800 022 222) anytime day or night if your child is unwell and you're not sure what to do or where to go. Healthdirect is free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A registered nurse will answer your call, ask some questions and connect you with the right care for your baby, child or young person. This care may include virtual care for your child, provided by senior paediatric nurses and paediatricians, without you having to leave your home. If it’s an emergency, call Triple Zero (000) or go to an Emergency Department.
Please be aware of the symptoms of pneumonia, as well as the need to seek medical intervention if you suspect your child may have contracted pneumonia.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is very infectious and is currently prevalent in our school community. Please click here for further information on RSV.
Students, staff and visitors should only attend school when symptom free. We strongly encourage all students, staff and visitors to follow the guidance issued by NSW Health. Schools must continue to send home students or staff displaying symptoms.
For anyone who believes they have been exposed to COVID-19, it is strongly recommended that they monitor for symptoms and test if they have any concerns, as well as wear a mask.
Please be aware that staff and students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19. These include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, fatigue, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, extreme tiredness, unexplained chest pain or conjunctivitis (eye infection).
If a student receives a positive RAT or PCR test, they should record the positive result through the Service NSW website or Service NSW app and notify the school of the positive RAT or PCR test result as soon as possible. Negative results do not need to be reported to Service NSW or to the school.
In the past fortnight, 6 student cases and 2 staff cases have been reported, with the majority of these reported in recent days.