Term 4 End of Term Award Winners
Congratulations to the following award winners:
Term 4 End of Term Award Winners
Congratulations to the following award winners:
Junior Home Eco: Finn M - Finn, you have worked hard throughout the year to improve on your food preparation skills. You are always enthusiastic about cooking activities and look forward to learning new skills. Well done, Great effort Finn!
Senior Home Eco: Hunter R - Hunter, you are a hard working student who successfully supports others throughout the cooking process. You enjoy cooking and have great organisational skills. It has been a pleasure to have you in the cooking group this semester.
Junior Art: Jason D - Jason is able to create work consistently and is able to identify the primary colours and experiment with colour mixing.
Senior Art: Sophie V - For demonstrating her drawing abilities by using a combination of blending and shading. She has been able to create something unique.
Levi H - For demonstrating his drawing abilities by using a combination of blending and shading. He has been able to create something unique.
Junior Humanities: Ashley D - Ashley Deligero- For being a great learner in Humanities this term. Well done Ashley!
Senior Humanities: Chloe Archer- For a fantastic term in Humanities. Well done Chloe!
Junior PE: Roger E - Roger has been an excellent student in Physical Education this term. Roger has participated and tried his best in all set tasks. He is polite and well mannered student who has improved his ball skills and game awareness throughout the term. Great job legend!
Senior PE: August D - August has been a fantastic student in Physical Education this term. August always tries his best, he is well mannered and has a never ending smile on his face. August has improved his ball skills in a variety of ball games and always plays well in a team environment.
ACE award winners:
*Alastair Barker
*Lincoln Howell
*Christian Kelly
*Zac Johnson
William B - For being a learner, persisting through challenges, and preparing and delivering an impressive presentation on the biscuit star fish.
Letticia B - For being responsible with animal care.
David C - For his persistence and dedication in improving his handwriting.
Ella J-S - For being brave and participating in her learning.
Brock M - For his bravery and resilience by choosing to extend his own program and extend his learning.
Noah C - For being brave and immersing himself in the Naranga school community.
Tyrel L - For being brave and advocating for himself.
Isabella S-R - For being brave and sharing her own story with the ICAN group.