RE & Wellbeing News
Dear Families,
Thank you so much to all the family members that were able to come to school to take part in our Family afternoon yesterday - we had mums, dads, uncles, aunts and quite a few grandparents!
We know how hard it is to take time off work or come along on a busy day so thank you for sharing that special time with your child and the broader school family of Sacred Heart.
Thank you also for sharing stories with your child and sending along special family items - it was touching to hear at assembly just a small number of our families stories.
We keep in mind these Year Four students - Tristan, Kaitlyn, Azariah, Shamus, Brenton, Amy, Natalie and Callix who will receive their First Eucharist on Sunday 19th of May at the 10.30am Mass. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare for this special sacrament.
Thank you also to a number of students in Year 3-6 who are attending to support these students by singing a reflection song at the Mass.
During the past few weeks students in Year Two to Year Six have completed Social and Emotional Wellbeing surveys that are devised by ACER and approved for use by Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS). The Foundation and Year One students will take part in a wellbeing survey in the coming weeks that is tailored to their age and stage of development.
The surveys have been put together and analysed, which then provide data and information for use. These surveys will inform part of our approach to wellbeing for the rest of Term Two and Term Three. We will focus on skills that relate to social awareness, relationship skills, self management and self awareness.
As a result of this data, we are adding a few new wellbeing strategies and approaches across the school that we will begin next week. I will include more information in next week's newsletter and children will have an opportunity to share this with our community at our next assembly.
Triple P parenting is a wonderful resource - it has webinars, free courses and information sheets on a range of parenting topics which I'd highly recommend.
Have a great weekend.
Take Care,
Kate Harris
Wellbeing & RE Leader