Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community, 



First Eucharist

We congratulate and pray for our First Communicants who will receive the Eucharist for the first time this Sunday at our 10.30am Sacred Heart Parish Mass. We pray that for each student receiving the Eucharist, they recognise this will be the next very important step in their faith filled journey.


Amy                       Tristan                       Shamus                      Kaitlyn                   Azariah                           Brenton               Callix                 Natalie

Chloe and Annabelle (former students)

Tayshaun and Aliyah (brother and sister of Tristan)


Thank you Antoinette

A big shout out to Antoinette and our Sacred Heart School Staff for continuing to be "present" to the needs, challenges and all aspects of school life during my period of long service leave. Whilst in no way wanting to sing my praises, I rather want to highlight the ones who you all already know are a committed, passionate staff. "Experts" in the nuances of leadership do say a successful leader is one whose absence goes unnoticed. I think my unnoticed absence says a lot about the Sacred Heart School staff.


No Lunch Orders

Please be aware that there will be no lunch orders taken this Wednesday 22nd May as Parade Preston campus has a school closure day.


Mother's Day Stall and Raffle

I hope all our mums, aunties, grandmothers etc had a wonderful Sunday enjoying time with their loved ones. A big thank you to our magnificent Parents and Friends group who organised our Mother's Day Stall and Raffle. Both events proved extremely successful. Whilst the motivation for both events is about giving an opportunity  to our students to say thank you to their mums, some valuable funds were raised for our school.

Parent helpers at stall
Our Foundation students proudly holding their gifts for their mums
Parent helpers at stall
Our Foundation students proudly holding their gifts for their mums
Mother's Day raffle winners
Mother's Day raffle winners

Family Week Activities

As you will read in the classroom news section of this newsletter, we celebrated being part of our special and unique families yesterday. To hear our student's stories as they presented symbols of family life, traditions and artifacts that have a unique place in their family's history was truly a privilege. Thank you Kate for organising the day and to our students, parents and staff for embracing the opportunity to share and celebrate. 

Interschool Sport News


I just want to say even though we lost everyone tried there best and did not give up and 

showed their resilience on the Soccer pitch and off, I would like to give a shout out to Maxie because he let some goals in but he  stayed strong and didn't  give up and my last shout out goes to  Roman to, for keeping the team moral up and high.-Alex


Netball Mixed

It was a tough game against Reservoir West Primary School but we pulled through. The team played great, and we made some goals. A special thanks to Fortunato for getting the majority of goals. We played our best and destroyed the competition. - Jacob


Netball Girls

The game was great fun even though we lost by 2 goals, it was a close match. Everyone did great with defending and shooting. We would also like to thank Antoniette for helping us umpire and coaching us. - Harper


Yours Sincerely
