From the SRC

Term 1 recap and looking forward to Term 2

Term 1 recap

  • Term 1 was quite a busy term. It was packed with lots of activities that were participated in by the College, and was quite a busy term for SRC as well.
  • We started the year off with all student leaders and SRC members receiving their leadership certificate from Mark Dreyfus KC who is the attorney general of Australia. It was a big honour for all involved to be able to listen to his speech and receive a certificate of leadership from such an important person in our society. 
  • On the 19th of February the College held the Leadership Assembly where the whole College got together to recognise the 2024 College Captains, Middle School Captains, Junior School Captains and House Captains, Peer Support Leaders and SRC members. We had distinguished guests Jenny Atta - Secretary of the Department of Education, Cr Jenna Davey-Burns - Mayor Kingston City Council, and Susannah Bowen-Wheatley, School Council President who took their time to come in and present the leaders with their badges and give motivational speeches.
  • For International Women’s Day student representatives Zoe, Charlotte, Madeleine and Allegra were invited to attend an event that was held at the Parliament House in Victoria to celebrate women in Australian society such as business, politics, right of advocacy, etc. 
  • Thursday 21st March was Harmony Day which celebrates diversity, aiming for inclusiveness, respect and the idea that people of all different cultures can make valuable contributions to society. We celebrated this through casual clothes day where students were encouraged to wear clothing from their culture, and donate a gold coin. Just over $400 was raised for the Mental Health Foundation of Australia.
  • For the last week of term one, we celebrated Cultural Diversity Week. During this week many activities were arranged by the SRC: international film screening, African drumming workshop, calligraphy lesson and origami making. On the last day of Term 1, lunch was extended so that students, as well as staff, were able to listen, sing and dance along to live music performed by a number of Chelt.Sec bands, and enjoy all the different types of cuisines from many many food trucks. Many people enjoyed the stirred fried noodles from the Malaysian food truck, there were others who had Italian (pizza), gelato, chip on stick, and churros. At the same time, henna tattoos were also available for those who wanted to try it out. This was the only activity that required consent. 

Looking forward to Term 2

The SRC has many exciting events planned for Term 2! 

  • We started off the term with The Big Freeze on the 30th of April where members of our College community (students, staff and parents) are donating money to see staff and students go down the slippery slide into a pool of ice cold water. The money that is raised will go towards the Fight MND Foundation. 
  • We will also be celebrating Reconciliation Week with assemblies, as well as informing and helping educate the student body about our history and Indigenous culture in Pastoral Care.
  • In Week 7, the College will also be having its annual Great Cheltenham Bake Off where students and teachers show off their amazing baking skills. 
  • The SRC will end the term with free dress day for World Environment Day. The money that is raised from this day will go towards Environment Victoria.

Andrew Yun (International Captain)

Lily Khay (International Vice-Captain)