From the R.E.C

Family Masses 

Our next Family Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 25th November at 6pm.  


Sunday 3rd December is the Feast of St. Francis Xavier, the Patron Saint of our Parish and School. After Mass on this day we will be holding a special celebration to mark the occasion, combined with a Parish Christmas Party, and a concert by our wonderful school band. 


Altar Servers

Thank you to the children who give so generously of their time for this important ministry. 

Saturday 11th November @ 6p.m.  Molly Foster and Matilda Murphy 

Sunday 12th November @ 8a.m. Grace Freeman and Abby Imrie-Dunn 


Saturday 18th November @ 6p.m.: Annabelle and Campbell Rushton  

Sunday 19th November @ 8 a.m.: Volunteers please 


Upcoming Events:


November:  The month of November is traditionally a time in which the Catholic community remembers those who have died. It is related to the fact that the end of November is the end of the Liturgical Year with a new year starting the First Sunday of Advent – the four-week period of preparation before Christmas. 


A cross will be displayed in the school foyer for children to place the names of special people they have known who have died. 



Judy Rily  REC