TheirCare News

Hi parents, guardians, staff, and friends! Welcome to Week 4 of Term 4!


We are in week 4 already! Days are passing by so fast. This week’s theme is “In the Garden”! We have been doing lots of arts and crafts activities, including encouraging the children to create flower mask craft - we call that "wearable art"! - it was very cool! We also did flower painting wherein everyone created amazing pieces. It was marvellous to see everyone show their creativity and imagination - even some of the staff had a try. We are also continuing to decorate the Theircare room. This week we involved the children in colouring the butterfly that will be posted on the Emu Corner wall. We have also been engaging in a variety of activities. In the morning we played a mix of games, the favourite being Charades. It was very entertaining to see how children act out different objects and people. We have also been using the gym as much as possible in the mornings. We even had a penalty shoot-out on Tuesday that went for 10 minutes.  In the afternoons we have been playing games of soccer and down ball. TheirCare really is a fun place to be!

We would like to let the prep families know that the children are showing increasing independence and becoming more confident walking to TheirCare in the afternoon. It is great to observe how they care for their friends by waiting and walking all together to TheirCare. Of course, they are still supervised by one of the TheirCare staff as they transit.


This week’s Pupil of the Week is Eddie Miezis for always being an amazing helper and taking good care of his friends when they are hurt. Well done, Eddie! You should be proud of yourself!! 😊😊

This Thursday the 26th of October, we are very excited that the school disco is on. We are delighted to see the children's costumes and can't wait to hear all the stories from the disco. Ashleigh will be taking over some of the children and will also be volunteering after 6:15pm.


Sadly, this is Ashleigh’s last week in TheirCare for now, she will be absent for 4 weeks for knee surgery, returning on the 27th of November. We will miss her, and wish her the best and a quick recovery!


For all families – if you have any questions about TheirCare and would like to come and have a chat, please visit us in Emu Corner in the morning and afternoon. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details provided and we will help you as best we can. 😊


TheirCare Team

Ashleigh, Angie, Connie, Jicinta and Lesley 

Contact Details: 

Service Phone: 0487 004 072 

Service Email: 

Head Office: 1300 072 410