FWPS Parents Association

Happy Thursday everyone.


We hope some of you managed to grab a bargain at this week's 2nd Hand Uniform shop openings, brought to you by Sarah and Adele and the TheirCare team.... or if you missed out this time around, save the date for the next shop opening on Thursday 23rd of November from 3-3.40pm. If you're interested in helping at the shop, please get in touch via the PA email (FWPSParentsAssociation @outlook.com) or reach out to Sarah or Adele if you know them already. Uniform donations at shop openings or to the office at any time are also always welcome and appreciated.


Speaking of saving the date - lock it in your diaries - the next PA Committee Meeting and combined 'thanks to volunteers and AGM' is also planned for Thursday 23rd of November. It'll be held at 7pm at a venue along Barkly Street, which we'll aim to announce in next week's newsletter. If you've put your hand up to help throughout the year, we'd really like to see you there so that the PA Exec and Committee can say a big thank you for your time, energy and input, as without the help of all of our generous volunteers and donators, the PA wouldn't be able to run events like sausage sizzles, uniform shops and Halloween Discos, which raise money for much needed school equipment, provide a service to the school community and bring much joy to our kids. The evening will also double as the PA's Annual General Meeting, so if you've enjoyed helping out throughout the year, or have a desire to get more involved, come along to learn more or to put your hand up for an Exec or Committee role (role sharing with friends is also possible). 


And for those who've signed up to help at tonight's Halloween Disco.... a big thanks for your time. Hope you have fun and may the boooooogie be with you.


A reminder of upcoming dates:     

  • A PA 'Thank-you' event and combined AGM will be held at 7pm on Thursday the 23rd of November. 
  • The next 2nd Hand Uniform Shop opening is scheduled for Thursday 23rd of November 3-3.40pm
  • End of Term 4 social event - pencil it in for Wednesday 12noon on Wednesday 20th of December at the WeFo Wine Store  

From your PA Exec (Sharee, Kate & Tinny) and PA Committee


Thanks from the Footscray West Primary School Parents Association

Please check-out our Facebook Page: search for FWPS Parents Association