Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

EvertPACFor displaying confidence when working with numbers and articulating his thinking, and explaining strategies used to solve division problems. Well done!
EvyPAKFor the wonderful effort you apply to your writing. You listen carefully for sounds in words to spell them correctly. Keep it up!
LolaPBDFor your enthusiasm during our Grade Prep Wildlife incursion. You displayed wonderful respect and attentive listening!
AlexPKTFor your enthusiasm and knowledge shared during our Wildlife Xposure incursion.
NinaPLBFor having a positive attitude and giving her personal best effort in everything she does!
Jean1JIFor your growth mindset when participating in whole class and independent tasks. Your enthusiasm is commendable. Brilliant effort!
Maisie1JSFor demonstrating resilience and a growth mindset in maths and writing.
Juniper1LEFor great focus and improvement in her learning. Keep it up Juniper!
Arlo1LLFor the incredible effort you put into all your learning. Keep it up Arlo!
Lenny1TNFor your enthusiastic participation during reading and maths sessions. Terrific effort Lenny!
Malik2CWFor your enthusiasm towards your learning. Keep sharing your thoughts and ideas Malik. Well done!
Beth2DWFor always being kind to others and for how well you participate in every activity. You have a great attitude, Beth!
Amelie2TFFor her impressive research and planning of her information text. Great work, Amelie.
Pippa2HRFor your persistence and tenacity in Maths this week. You have worked hard and made great progress in solving subtraction problems. Well done, Pippa.
Kyani3CGFor being actively engaged in classroom discussion and exploring new learning with vigour and openness. Keep it up Ky!!
Adele3MKFor the effort that you apply to your writing pieces. Keep it up!
Abigail3MPFor demonstrating a growth mindset in maths. Well done!
Freya3TMFor often sharing your excellent ideas in whole class discussions. Thank you for your valuable contributions.
Edmund4AFFor putting his personal best effort into his persuasive writing task. Amazing work!
Finn4JDFor the fantastic effort he has applied towards his persuasive writing piece. You have showed great focus and independence! Well done!
Henry4MSFor consistently demonstrating mutual respect and kindness, and for his valuable contributions to class discussions. Keep up the fantastic work Henry!
Sebastian4TCFor his contributions to discussions in maths and wanting to challenge himself with algebra. Well done, Seb!
Adam5LWFor his thoughtful contributions to class discussions throughout our poetry unit. Well done, Adam.
Gretel5MCFor consistently being self-assured and bringing the laughs with things like your rendition of the FANBOYS song and the Tubleweed dance at camp. Keep it up, Gretel!
Harriette5SMFor your resilience on camp, you didn't let anything stop you (even a grazed knee) and gave every activity 100% effort.
Dione5THFor your valuable contributions to class discussions and for always applying your personal best effort when completing work!! Awesome work!
Christa6LCFor being such a kind and considerate friend to others.  You are a wonderful role model Christa!
Rayn6MCFor his top-of-the-line attitude to learning. Your ability to complete every task to your highest standard is truly commendable. Keep it up Rayn!
Cat6MPFor asking wonderful questions and being eager to learn. Well done.
Eddie Miezis - PKTTheirCareFor always being an amazing helper and helping care for his friends when they are hurt. Well done, Eddie!!