Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

In this Week's Newsletter

  • Appreciations and News…
    • Appreciations on World Teachers' Day
    • Congratulations Lauren
    • Halloween Disco
    • Leaving FWPS?
    • Grade 2 Marine incursion video
    • Grade 6 Kangaroobie Camp video
    • Facilities update
  • Coming up...tomorrow 
    • Marrung weaving workshop
    • Interschool, summer sport
    • Assembly
  • Coming week
    • Prep transition, 2024
    • Diversity day next Friday
  • Repeated (and updated) messages

Appreciations and News

A big appreciation to all our teachers on World Teachers’ Day which is celebrated in Victoria on Friday (tomorrow). What a great time to send a positive message to your children’s teachers for all they do.


Congratulations to Lauren Crump (and partner, Matt) on the fabulous news of the birth of the first child, Frankie Joy, Alford. Cute as can be!

An appreciation to Gus Cardy-Cowling, a former FWPS student, who has done an outstanding job as our interim physical education teacher (3 days a week) over the past few weeks while Stratos has been on leave.  Thank you for your work!


Halloween Disco - We are looking forward to a terrific Halloween disco tonight. We have had an excellent response with over 260 signed up for the Junior disco and over 280 for the Senior disco. We have also had strong community response from our volunteers.  Please remember that all volunteers need to have completed our online induction program (pinned on Compass) and have registered their current WWC card with the office team. 


For parents and carers, all the relevant information about tonight’s Junior and Senior discos is on our Compass post, so please check if you are unsure.


A reminder that entry tickets and glowsticks will be sent home today with all students who ordered. We asked the children to bring the tickets with them for handing in on entry.  A door prize will be randomly selected for a lucky winner from the junior and senior disco.

Junior Disco

The times are:

  • Lining up - from 5:15 pm
  • Disco fun - 5:30pm to 6:45 pm
  • Pick up time - 6:45 pm

Senior Disco

The times are:

  • Lining up - from 7:00 pm
  • Disco fun - 7:15 pm to 8:45 pm
  • Pick up time - 8:45 pm

On pick up, we will ask parents and carers to congregate on the basketball court before entering through the double entry door. On collection of your child, exit will be through double doors to the small car park.


If you have arranged for your child to be collected by an adult other than yourself. Please provide written communication to the office by 3:30 pm today.


Leaving FWPS? 

While it is always sad to see our students leave our school, thank you to the families who have already communicated their intentions to leave our FWPS community for the 2024 school year.


It is at this time each year we seek to learn what families have decided to leave our neighbourhood. If this message is timely for your family, please email us with any information of relevance, for instance, whether your child will conclude at FWPS prior to the end of the school year, and most importantly, what school they are transferring to.  As we develop our grade lists, it is very important that we factor in all students who will be leaving, as well as new students to our school community.


Grade 2 Marine Incursion Video -

Thanks to team member Maria Morris for preparing this snapshot into a fascinating recent learning experience for the grade 2 cohort.


Grade 6 Camp Reflections - Members of 6MP have prepared a video of last week’s camp to Kangaroobie.  It can be accessed through the following link:


Thanks to Torin and Atlas.


Facilities Update  

The Bilby building external sound system has been a challenging installation with our contractors back on site today. We have our fingers crossed we will have the new system up and running for tomorrow’s outdoor assembly (weather permitting). 

Coming up…tomorrow

Marrung Weaving Workshop - Thanks to Kerrie and Tess for arranging this exciting opportunity to participate in this community event, held in the afternoon tomorrow at Footscray Community Arts Centre. It is very pleasing that all our Marrung leaders will be participating.  I am sure they will be keen to share their experience by assembly report or video.


Inter School Summer Sport - Our grade 6 basketball, newcombe, cricket and bat tennis teams will be competing tomorrow in a home fixture against Footscray Primary School. Games are due to start after 9:30 am. Parents and carers are welcome to attend.


Assembly - Weather permitting, assembly will be held as usual at our Bilby shade sail at 2.40 pm tomorrow and it will be PAC’s turn to present their assembly item.  Initial nerves have made way for excitement!

Coming up…next week

Prep 2024 - Transition will start next Thursday. It will involve grade visits for next years prep cohort over 4 days on week 5 (next week), week 6 and (following prep swim program) during weeks 9 and 10.  Thanks to Kim with her support and the prep team for organising this year's Prep transition program. We also appreciate the support of a grade 6 captains who will be inviting parents on site and mingling with the children.


Diversity Day - Next Friday we will celebrate our second annual Diversity Day.  Last year a very memorable ‘colour run’ was the main feature.  As most families will be aware, this year we have arranged for Kaboom Kids to run an inclusive tabloid event.  We appreciate that many families have provided permission and paid for the $10 entry event.  If you haven’t yet done so we will send a Compass reminder early next week.  


Coming up … over the next few weeks

We have a Pupil Free Curriculum Day (report writing) on Monday, 6th November, the day prior to the annual Melbourne Cup public holiday.  TheirCare will be operating a full day’s program.  Please book through the usual manner.


The Prep fortnight intensive swim program will start on Monday, 13th November.  We have over 80 students registered to attend.  Families have until next Friday, 3rd November to book their places.





Repeated (and updated) messages…