Principal's Report

Term 4, Week 7

Dear Parents and Carers,


There's just four weeks left in the school year and classroom teachers have been hard at work over the past few weeks finalising Semester Two Report grades and comments. These reports will be made available to parents on Monday 11 December through the Compass portal. If you have lost your login details, be sure to contact the front office in time for the reports being released. 


2024 Class Structures

There has been considerable thought put into the 2024 class structure. We looked at many different models to accommodate our school population using the 12 existing classrooms we currently have, whilst trying to keep classes as small as possible to support the quality teaching and learning occurring. 


As a result, we have finalised the following class structures for 2024;

2 x Kindergarten classes

2 x Year 1 classes

2 x Year 2 classes

3 x Stage 2 classes (Year 3 and 4)

3 x Stage 3 classes (Year 5 and 6)


We are still looking to fill some classroom teaching roles and we are currently advertising for teachers. I am aiming to announce the class teachers for next year in the next edition of the newsletter.



We have had some disruption to our assembly schedule this term due to Primary Swimming. We have two assemblies remaining this term - this Wednesday at 2.45pm and next Friday 1 December at 12.15pm. This week, our LWLW student representatives will share some of their experiences as student leaders this year and identify our next steps for student voice at St Francis Xavier's. We will also have a special performance by our Kindergarten students. 

At our assembly on December 1st, the Term 4 Principal's Awards will be presented to students who consistently demonstrate the Three Rules for Living - I am a Learner, I am Safe and I am Valued, Cared For and Respected. 

All families and friends are warmly invited to our assemblies held under the COLA.


Colour Run

The 2023 Crazy Colour Run will be held on Friday 1 December starting at 1.30pm. All students are invited to come to school in old, light coloured clothing on this day to participate in the colour obstacle course. We would also love some parent helpers on this day to throw the coloured dust. A sausage sizzle will be running on this day for students and parents. 


Family Mass and Parish Christmas Party

This Saturday night is the monthly Family Mass at Saint Francis Xavier's Church commencing at 6.00pm. This will be followed by the Parish Christmas Party at the Parish Centre. We would love to have families join us for the Mass and Party to follow dressed in Christmas clothes. There will be a sausage sizzle for dinner and games to entertain the kids. 


Presentation Day

Later this week, letters will be sent to parents of children who are receiving an award at the annual Presentation Day ceremony. Please note - all Kindergarten students will receive a book prize to celebrate the end of their first year of school. The Presentation Day will be held on Wednesday 13 December at the Crossing Theatre, commencing at 10.00am.



Have a great week!
