The Adventures of Frankie & Ash
School Support Dogs
The Adventures of Frankie & Ash
School Support Dogs
We, Frankie (me) & Ash, are very excited to be back at school after a fun filled summer.
We had lots of Beach, lots of Treats, lots of Park and lots of Ball.
Mum said it is time we got back to work though! She has been a bit cross because Ash wakes her and dad up very early when Ash goes out to the toilet and our kitty sister Maggie gets on Ash's bed. Because Ash is a scaredy-cat she won't tell Maggie to get off and then Ash cries because Maggie is in her bed. Ash is a bit stoopid.
Just before school went back we went for a fun drive to a place called Country and had lots of fun chasing Mum on the ride-on-mower. It was very hot so we were happy to sit at Pub afterwards and eat some special human food called Chips. Ash was stoopid and tried to swim in the big bucket we were supposed to have drinks out of.
Here are some photos of our fun summer. We hope you had a fun summer too! We are happy to see everyone back at school.
That is all.
Frankie & Ash