School Attendance
Regular attendance at school is essential if students are to maximise their potential. Schools, in partnership with parents, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students. While parents are legally responsible for the regular attendance of their children, school staff, as a part of their duty of care, monitor part or whole day absences.
During the year we will share with our families relevant information regarding School Attendance and Absences.
Did you know - 1 day absent every week of the Term equals 2 full weeks per Term absent
Parents must endeavour to provide an explanation for a student's absence within seven calendar days of the absence. If this occurs in conjunction with a term break they should provide an explanation before the end of term.
This may be done by:
🔵entering an absence via the Compass Portal
🔵e-mailing the school office -
🔵telephoning the school office - 6792 1796
🔵a written note to your child's class teacher
🟩To assist with all absences being explained, every Monday the school sends home Unapproved Absence Letters to all families with unexplained absences. Families are to provide a reason on this letter and return it to the school office within 7 days.
Below is a table with approved absence reasons with examples:
Reason for Absence | Can include | Extra Information |
Medical - Illness/Injury | sickness, medical condition or injury | A brief explanation of the illness/injury is required. A Medical Certificate may be requested. |
Medical Appointment | medical or paramedical appointment - includes: medical, dental, psychological | The type of appointment is to be specified. Medical Certificates may be requested. |
Travel | holiday or other travel | DOES NOT include being late to school. Other Explained Absence it to be selected for being late to school |
Other Explained Absence | participation in special events not related to school, funerals, ceremonial occasions, being late to school | If late to school, then a reason is to be given eg: road works, new uniform needed |
Domestic Necessity | includes misadventure or unforeseen event, serious illness of an immediate family member | DOES NOT include being late to school. Other Explained Absence it to be selected for being late to school |
Natural Disaster | Extreme weather events such as flood and bushfire |
Roll Marking, Late Arrival, Early Departure
Class Teachers take the Class Roll promptly at the commencement of the school day. Any student not present in class at this time are marked absent (unexplained).
If an explanation for the absence IS NOT received by 11.00 am, an automated message is sent to parents advising that their child is not at school and to please provide a reason.
LATE ARRIVALS and EARLY DEPARTURES must be completed by a parent or guardian. This is done via the electronic kiosk which is located in the front office.
Please note that if anyone other than a parent or legal guardian is picking a student up early then either a note or a phone call from the student's parent MUST be received at the school office.
If you would like any further information on the above then please contact the school office.