Assistant Principal
Week four has seen all the students enjoy the very warm weather outside, getting back into the routine of interacting with friends and teachers outside. The upper junior school teachers scheduled water play at recess and lunch time yesterday to help everyone cool down. I’m not sure who had more fun the students or teachers.
Inter-school sport is back on the timetable, and it is great to see so many students in the senior school willing to have a go at new sports. It is a highlight of the week for the students having the opportunity to team build and develop sportsmanship.
Thank you to all the families that have attended Student Support Group meetings this week. The meetings cover a lot of information, and we appreciate your input on how best to support your child. If you were unable to schedule a time for this week, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher to make an alternative time.
Thank you for a wonderful week.
Anne-Maree Nicholson