The GREEN Page

Sustainability - Community - Action


Students in the lunchtime sustainability group participate in recycling projects. They sort lids according to size and colour. We are collecting a lot of lids in our house colours. If you are donating lids, please make sure the lids are clean, so we do not have any contamination issues when we bag and send them off to the recycling hubs. 



We have joined Planet Ark’s Waste-Free Lunch Challenge for the month of March. Pathways students have been making posters to display around the school to remind students that our Nude Food days are Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. On these days we hope to reduce our waste by not bringing food wrapped in cling wrap or foil. Individual use plastic and plastic food wrappers are a problem for our school environment. Let us try to use containers for our food items. We can all reuse food containers, cutlery, refillable drink bottles and compost our food scraps.









What is growing in my garden?

This week some of our staff shared their produce. Cherry tomatoes from Kristina, larger tomatoes Gross Lisse variety from Mrs. Brady and cucumbers from Mrs. Sephton. A fantastic summer harvest, thank you!







I would like to share two tomato varieties that are old heirloom seeds from Diggers Club in Dromana. The large tomato is a Beef steak variety and the oval shaped one is a tomato variety called Amish.