Student Voice

With last week's public holiday, the SRC didn't meet. They did host a great ANZAC Day service on Wednesday 24th. While the weather prevented the service from running outdoors as planned the students, we flexible and hosted it online. Well done, SRC members!


In this week's meeting, we looked at the SRC Google classroom. This is an online platform that the SRC can use to collect the ideas from the class of how we can make school a better place for everyone. The SRC worked through a list of ideas from students and documented some actions. Some actions include gathering more information and speaking to different staff members in the school. More updates on this to come.




What is an Student Representative Council?

A Student Representative Council (SRC) is a group of students elected by their peers to represent all students within the school. 


What are the responsibilities of an SRC member?

SRC's work democratically to represent the student body in school decision-making and organise ways for students to participate in and enjoy school life. Each member is a leading example of the school values of being a SAFE, RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE LEARNER. Students will need to commit to attending a weekly meeting facilitated by staff. Each class will dedicate time in their week for their SRC to listen to their peers and birng the voice of the students to school leadership.