Home Economics 

with Ms Athiniotis



This week senior students learned how to make easy chicken pies using a piemaker. You can use any vegetables you prefer. 


½ BBQ chicken

2 cups frozen mixed vegetables, thawed and drained of excess liquid. 

400g can condensed cream of chicken soup.   

3 puff pastry sheets




  1. Into a bowl, shred the chicken, pulling it into fine pieces to make two cups.
  2. Add the drained veggies and season with cracked pepper and thyme. Add the soup and mix to combine.
  3. Cut eight bases and eight lids from the sheets. Press the first four bases into the pie holes. Spoon the mixture into each base. Top with lids. 
  4. Close and cook for 8 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and crunchy. Carefully remove and repeat. 


Lower Junior students enjoyed preparing the vegetables, mince, and sauce to make a Bolognese sauce. Students also learned how to cook spaghetti in the microwave. We added a little garlic during the frying. When our sage and oregano bushes grow bigger, we will be able to add Italian flavours to our cooking, but you can create this with your choice of sauces or the herbs you choose to use during the sauce making.  



Spaghetti Bolognese    


Ingredients                                                                Equipment   

500g mince       

Dried Spaghetti                                          saucepan, wooden board,

One jar pasta sauce                            knife, tongs, wooden spoon, bowl

Boiling water                                                    microwave proof bowl

One zucchini

Two tomatoes 

Grated cheese to serve                                         


What to do: 


  1. Chop an onion evenly and grate a small zucchini.
  2. Fry the onion and zucchini in a small amount of oil, then add mince until the meat has browned. Then pour in the pasta sauce. Cook the pasta sauce. Add a little water to the sauce if needed.
  3. Put the spaghetti into a microwave proof bowl and cover with enough boiling water. Cover, place in the microwave. Cook for about 4 or 5 minutes, uncover safely, and stir, then check and stir for 2-minute intervals until spaghetti is soft. (9 to 10 minutes altogether) 
  4. Safely pour the spaghetti into a colander to strain any liquid left. Get the tongs and put the cooked spaghetti into a bowl. Spoon on the pasta sauce or mix the sauce through the spaghetti.

Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top of the spaghetti sauce.