Religious Education

Marylene Douglas

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.

On Sunday, our Preps and their Year 6 Buddies are invited to celebrate our St Louis' Welcome Mass. This will now take place in the St Louis' School Hall. 

Traditionally, this mass was limited to just the Prep families but the Faith Development Team thought it would be a lovely idea to promote friendship between the Prep students and their Year 6 buddies, as well as taking the opportunity for Year 6 families to welcome our Prep families to our wonderful St Louis' community. 

Coincidently, the Gospel reading for this Sunday is all about loving your neighbour, regardless of how they treat you.  Jesus  says  that  we  must love  others,  even  those  who hurt  us.  Jesus  tells  us  not  to  judge others,  but  to  be  merciful  and God  will  show  us  mercy. 

The compassion of God is a very strong theme that runs through the Gospel of Luke.  In this gospel, Jesus is the embodiment of God’s compassion. Jesus wants all people to experience first hand the abundant love God holds for them. Luke’s gospel passage is a reminder that when we experience God’s compassion we are also called to show it to others. 


In this passage we find one version of the Golden Rule that appears repeatedly throughout the gospels (as well as most other religious traditions): ‘Treat others as you would like them to treat you.’ It is followed up with a comment that it takes no effort to treat well people whom you like – anybody can do that. 

The challenge is to treat people you don’t like as you would like to be treated yourself.

So let us try to follow Jesus' example to treat everyone, even the people we dont like very much,  with love, compassion and forgiveness.  







Important Dates.      

(** All Dates subject to change!)

Sun 23rd Feb- Prep Welcome Mass at Braeside Park 10.30 am.

Tues 4th March- Shrove Tuesday

Wed 5th March- Ash Wednesday - Mass at 12pm in St Louis' Church

Sun 9th March- First Sunday Of Lent

Sat 15/Sun 16th March- Yr 4 Eucharist Commitment Masses

Fri 18th April- Good Friday

Sun 20th April- Easter Sunday

Thurs 24th April- St Louis' Feast Day Mass- 9.15am in the school hall

Thurs 1st May- Yr 4 Eucharist Family Night

Tues 6th/Tues 13th May-  Yr 4 Eucharist Journey Masses

Thurs 8th May- Mother's day Mass-9.15am in the school hall

Sun 18th May- First Eucharist Masses to be held at St Brigid's Church 1pm/2.30pm

Sat 30/ Sun 1st June- Yr 6 Confirmation Commitment Masses

Sat 14/Sun 15th June- Yr 5 Family Masses

Thurs 26th June- Feast of the Sacred Heart- Whole School Mass-9.15am in the  hall

Tues 22/Thurs 24 July- Yr 6 Confirmation Journey Masses

Sun 3 Aug- Yr 6 Confirmation to be held at St Brigid's Church 1pm/3.00pm

Fri 8th Aug- Feast of St Mary of the Cross

Fri 15th Aug- Feast of the Assumption- Whole School Mass-9.15am in the  hall

Sat 16/Sun 17th Aug- Year 1 Level Masses

Sat 23/Sun 24th Aug- Year 3 Reconciliation Commitment Masses

Thurs 18th Sept- Yr 3 Reconciliation Journey Mass

Wed Oct 15th -Yr 3 Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sat 25th/Sun 26th Oct - Year 2 Family Level Masses

Sun 1st Dec- Advent Begins

Tues 16th Dec- End of Year Mass-Whole School Mass-9.15am in the  hall